Saturday, July 20, 2024

Arab Israeli wars -Able Archer - Cold War Wargame Rules part 1.

Able Archer - Arab Israeli Wars 

The Arab Israeli wars loomed large on my TV as a kid, the Yom Kippur, the Iran Iraq war, then the Civil war in Lebanon, this sparked my lifelong interest in the Middle East wars. I have been using the Able Archer Rapid Fire rules for a the last ten years for the conflict starting originally with converted with plastic figs and now slowly switching over metal ranges. 

I was hoping for Ospreys ww3 rules were going to be published last year, but they held off due to the war in Ukraine. I thought I had better transfer my paper Able Archer Arab Israeli wars document to a digital location and share it along with my thoughts.

Able Archer is the Cold War fan version of the popular WW2 Rapid Fire second edition rules. All of these additional rules for Cold War gaming are of course optional for your rules. We generally fight on a 4.6m or 15.1ft (181 inches) long table at my house or at the club a 12ft table x 6ft, although the games can be played on a smaller table if required, it really depends upon the scenario. I prefer to play down the length of the table as the opportunity to fire the long ranges really comes into use with modern weapons, so ground and terrain becomes very important. 

Upcoming blog articles will cover the Cold War Arabian peninsula Army vehicle lists I use. These lists cover the Israeli, French, British, American, UN Peace keepers, plus all of the Arab armies from the suez crisis 1956 all the way up to 1991, which is my cut off for most of my armies including the Iran-Iraq war and the first Iraq war. 

I regulary play scenarios that are linked, a special forces strike to commence with,  then attack, counter attack games, the losses carry over to the next game. The changes I have made to the Able Archer European and Arabian peninsula rules reflect weather, MBT ranges, Air to Air combat and campaign system. The changes come from my experience serving in arid and desert areas during my military career.  

Weather rules

Weather has changes from Able Archer 2019 set and Rapid Fire :- these are optional rules

Wind storm - Dust being a major problem in the Sinai and the southern Arabian peninsula we often have line of sight blocked by dust storms. This can be settled at the beginning of a game with a five rolls. 

  • Turn arrival - roll a D10 or D12  depending upon number of turns for the scenario. This is the turn the storm arrives. 
  • GW direction dice,  roll the direction dice from the centre or a table edge this gives the wind direction on the table for dust. 
  • Storm width - roll using a D6, the roll is the number of Dust sections. (East section is 4 inches)
  • Wind strength - roll on a D6 +2 this is the movement per turn (unless stationary roll on GW direction Dice). The storm can blow off the table edge. 
  • Duration - roll a D6 turn duration dice. This is the number of turns the dust storm remains on the table. 
You will need to make some dust markers, I used sofa stuffing that has been airbrushed in a khaki colour 4 inches long and two inches wide. 

Rain Storm

Rain storms were also a feature, particularly on the Golan heights ( Yom Kippur war heavy rain was experienced on the Golan for three days and in the six day war a heavy rain storm prevented an Egyptian counter attack on the eastern side of the Nile) they roll in from the coast and can often drop a large amount of rain in a short period particularly on the Golan heights during wet season. 

  • Rain storm - Roll a D10 on a 8, 9 or 10 a rain storm and heavy downfall arrives. 
  • Duration - Roll a D6 this is the length of the storm. 
  • Turns arrival - D10-12 depending upon scenario length, the number is the arrival turn of the storm. 
The storm prevents any air cover arriving, halves effective observation distance except if vehicles are using ISS or TTS. Halves effectiveness of mortar fire less than 81mm size after the first turn of rain until the storm ends. Smoke generation impossible unless generated by white phosphorus artillery rounds. 

Main Battle tanks and vehicles.

Observation rules

The changing technology of image assistance equipment changes a lot over the 40 odd years covered from the 1950s to the late 80s. Each tank is listed with its options on the tank equipment card. 

Search lights (SL) - gives normal visibility up to medium range during the night, however enemy can also spot you. 

Illumination shell (IS) - illuminates a 12 inch area, normal target rules apply HE for dropping illumination shell. 

IR sights (IR) - grants enhanced observation during the night, however can be spotted by IR detection and IR users. 

Image intensive sight (IIS) -gives enhanced observation in daylight, dark or dust storms, but not through white phosphorus smoke or smoke generators.

Tank Thermal Sight (TTS) -  a temperature based system normal observation in all conditions day and night, +1 observation chance for hull down vehicles, cannot see through phosphorus smoke shell but can through smoke generators. Only available on Magach 7 and Merkava after 1981. 

Gun Values 

Each main battle tank or vehicle has a main armament, a secondary machine gun and possibly a mortar or smoke discharger also. Gun values are treated similarly to a rapid fire, however main difference is D10 chart for firing and of course the technology changes to sights, rounds and gun stabilizers. The gun values from 1 to 7 with 1 being the highest value. New antitank rounds also different from ww2 and are APCBC, APDS, APFSDS, APHE & HEAT. The respective army MBT chart and data card will list variants for each army and its dates it comes into use. 

Gun Modifiers 

  • - 2 Extreme Range + 60 inches.
  • - 1 long range 42-60 inches
  • - 1 to hit vehicle in hull down position, full cover or rough ground (shrubs and rocky rough ground etc)
  • - 1 moving target except Magach 7 and Merkava post 82. 
  • - 1 firer moving except if gun stabilized
  • -1 if moved firing ATGM
  • - 1 APHE Armoured Piercing High explosive, SAPHC Semi Armoured piercing High  Explosive, APCR Armoured Piercing Composite Rigid  vs ERA or Blazer armour. 
  • + 1 short range under 12 inches
  • + 1 firing at rear
  •  +1 recoilless rifle if spotting round fired previous turn (eg recoilless M40 rifle with rifle round)  
  • +1 APDS Armoured Piercing discarding sabot. 
  • +2 APFSDS Armoured Piercing Fin stabilised discarding sabot. 
  • + 1 Elite crew
  • - 1 poor crew


Effectively the armour values are still rated from A to F, A being highest rating, Each vehicle has variants of additional armour that may be added. Main battle tanks fitted with Blazer or ERA armour upgrade receive better protection. All modifiers are listed in the main battle tank or the armoured vehicle in the lists.

Blazer spaced armour. A negative 1 on the D6 damage roll for vehicle, ground mounted anti-armour weapons, guided missile, and hand held anti tank weapons. 

ERA armour. A negative 1 on the D6 damage roll for vehicle, ground mounted anti-armour weapons, guided missile, and hand held anti tank weapons.  RPG can only cause heavy damage and disable a Tank, not destroy vehicle unless it is at point blank. 


A optional rule we use is fuel type as we tend to play linked games in a small campaign. Early in the wars petrol was common particularly in the Sherman’s, M48a1, M48a2 and the armored cars, then diesel motors then became more common by Yom Kippur. Petrol motor vehicles and tanks have a -1 value on the armour chart, later in the wars due to the problem of even a light hit by rpg or bazooka can lead to a catastrophic kill. 

Campaign effects 

When playing campaigns we like to record MBT losses, light damage return to action next game, heavy damage two games to repair, destroyed no recovery, however destroyed vehicles become Propaganda Victory point to opposing player. 


Major changes for aviation compared to normal Rapid Fire. The jet age was in full swing, and some prop aircraft were in use for artillery spotting and target acquisition plus ground attack role. Air superiority was a major factor however so was anti aircraft missiles. I am a big fan of jet aircraft and possibly have too much really for the games we play. I also enjoy commando type operations or reserves arriving via helicopter so to give that uncertainty I like to roll for their arrival and ability to be shot down or driven off.  

Air Sorties

The air war was mixed with results of local or sector control, and I like to have air superiority rolls for each turn therefore I use these rules five dice rolls commence at the beginning of each game. This includes helicopter support, helicopter assaults, spotter aircraft, ground support and fighters. You require four coloured D10 dice for this, or roll separately for each type.  

Prop driven Fighter.
Prop driven fighter bomber 
Jet Fighter 
Jet Fighter bomber 
Helicopter attack ground support 
Transport helicopter 


  • Roll 1 - Scenario attacking side Roll a D 12 this is your number of sorties possible. Allocate your aircraft types and number of each type. Single or multiples of type may be taken ie two fighters,  three fighter bombers, three helicopters, four fighters etc. 
  • Roll 2 - The Attacking side uses a D10 or D12 (depending upon scenario length) for each aircraft type in support. The Dice should designate a colour ie Red fighters, Blue ground support, white helicopter, green artillery spotter, black bomber or roll separately for each aircraft type. The attacking player then rolls the allocated D10s, each number corresponds to the turn the aircraft may be over the table to support the ground troops. Mark this down on a piece paper 
  • Roll 3 - Defending player rolls a D10 only, this is your sorties available. Allocate your aircraft types and number of each type. Single or multiples of type may be taken ie two fighters,  three fighter bombers, three helicopters, four fighters etc. 
  • Roll 4 -  The defending player then allocates aircraft type. Rolls D10 in corresponding colour, this is the turn arrival of air support. Mark on paper
  • Roll 5 - Players compare notes, turns may occur were opposing aircraft meet, then follow these guidelines 

Air Superiority Guideline 

This is used when each side rolls the same arrival sortie. 
  • Fighter vs Fighter - D10 roll highest wins if difference more than 8+ enemy fighter shot down, no more fighter sorties unless two fighters elected in Air support. 
  • Fighter vs bomber - D 10 roll highest wins, on 6 plus by  bomber shot down, no more sorties from that aircraft type unless two elected. If failed the bomber may drop bombs on ground target. 
  • Fighter vs Fighter bomber - D 10 roll highest wins, on 8 plus fighter or fighter bomber shot down, no more sorties from that aircraft type unless two are taken of that type Fighter bomber May drop bomb or fire rockets at ground target if it is successful in the combat. 
  • Fighter bomber vs fighter bomber D 10 roll highest wins, on 8 plus fighter or fighter bomber shot down, no more sorties from that aircraft type unless two are taken of that type. Fighter bomber May drop bomb or fire rockets at ground target if it is successful in the combat. 
  • Fighter/fighter bomber vs spotter - fighter rolls a D10, shoots down spotter on 7 plus, other result the spotter is driven off otherwise. The Fighter bomber May drop bomb or fire rockets at ground target if it is successful in shooting down the spotter. 
  • Fighter/ fighter bomber  vs Helicopter - fighter vs helicopter, helicopter shot down on a 6+, if not shot down the helicopter is driven off. Fighter bomber May drop bomb or fire rockets at ground target if it is successful in the combat. 
  • Ground attack Helicopter vs ground attack Helicopter shot down 6+ ,  if not shot down the losing helicopter is driven off. Helicopter may fire rockets or machine guns ground target if it is successful in the combat. 
  • Ground attack Helicopter vs transport Helicopter shot down 5+ ,  if not shot down the losing helicopter is driven off. Helicopter may fire rockets or machine guns ground target if it is successful in the combat and has them. Transport helicopter may drop troops if not shot down. 

Aircraft Movement 

In a turn a aircraft arrives on the players table edge then must fly from that point to the target, we have limited prop aircraft and helicopters to speed, so they will be over the table for two turns in some cases to reach the point of entry to the target. Jet aircraft have full table entry and exit ability in one turn but must enter from your own lines to attack the target flying directly over the enemy anti air or ground fire which had the option to shoot down or drive off the air attack. 

Anti Aircraft fire 

The period seen a huge growth in anti aircraft ability for foot troops and an anti air umbrella. Four types of anti aircraft fire for the Arab Israeli Wargame rules. 

  • Infantry Fire - Infantry battalion fire can use personal weapons on low flying ground attack aircraft, attack helicopter’s and transport helicopters. Roll a D10 on the roll of 9 aircraft driven off, on a D10 possible kill. 
  • Heavy weapons on vehicles - roll a D10 on the roll of a 9 aircraft driven off, on a 10 possible kill. 
  • Dedicated anti aircraft cannon systems ground or self propelled. Roll per Barrel a D10 on the roll of a 9 aircraft driven off, on a 10 possible kill.
  • Missile system - roll a D10 on the roll of an 7 aircraft driven off, on a 9 or 10 possible kill. 
If a successful hit is scored on a D10, roll a D6 
1-3 no effect
4 light damage, if transport helicopter must put down within 12 inches of strike
5 heavy damage trailing smoke, if transport helicopter must put down within 8 of strike location. 
6 spectacular destruction of aircraft, if helicopter all lives lost. 

Modifiers to result of D6 
-1 using non dedicated anti aircraft weapons if target aircraft fast jet. 
-1 if firer is target of aircraft attack 
+ 1 if second missile fired at enemy aircraft that turn 
+ 2 if missile battery fired at enemy aircraft that turn (three missiles or more) 

Campaign effects 

When playing campaigns we like to record air losses, light damage return to action next game, heavy damage two games to repair, destroyed no recovery, but Propaganda Victory point to opposing player. 

Propaganda Victory points

The rise of media has also lead to propaganda victory’s, the news media sways public opinion which can lead to support for your cause,  cease fires or pressure from foreign nations or the UN. I have written some rules relating to propaganda victory points predominantly for campaign games but can be used in a regular game also to determine victory points. 

  • + 2 points for a destroyed tank
  • + 2 points for destroyed aircraft 
  • + 1 point for each surrendered enemy company. 
  • + 2 points enemy rocket battery 
  • + 2 points for removing enemy commander 
  • -1 destroyed buildings 
  • -1 to damaged or destroyed ambulance 
  • -2 destroyed or damaged hospital. 
  • -2 refugee or civilian casualties. 


Hopefully that has been of some interest, coming up are data cards and vehicles for each nation. 


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Panzer Lehr Normandy -Part one


 Panzer Lehr Normandy 

Another big project this year is to complete my Panzer Lehr for Normandy, I have commenced reaserch and will be using Simons soldiers and Elhiem miniatures. Half tracks and tanks will be PSC from the stash plus a few other 1/72 plastic and resin kits. 

I have completed the first battalion infantry this week and hopefully will be done by early August. Research has commenced on vehicle camouflage and markings. 

The miniatures are from Simons Soldiers range, as usual built for Rapid Fire. 


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Part two - Whisky on the Rocks - Soviet order of battle


Soviet Order of Battle  

Invasion of Gotland 1981

Part two 

Admiral Ivan Kapitanets stared at the map of the island of Gotland. Preoccupied with his primary concern; The naval spetsnaz operatives actions against the strike capability of the Swedish Airforce and the anti ship missile defences on Faro Island. He pondered, if the planned operation was only partially a success, would the remainder go to plan, and from past experience nothing ever goes to plan….” 

336th Independent Naval Guards Brigade 

The 336th consisted of four battalions, one heliborne air landing  and three battalions of Naval Infantry equipped with the amphibious BTR 60 armored personnel carriers, a tank battalion with two companies of PT-76 amphibious light tanks and a company of T-55 main battle tanks. Artillery support was provided by a battery of BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers, Nona and Gvozdika SP guns and a battery of anti-tank guided missiles, while air defense consisted of a platoon of ZSU-23-4 Shilka anti-aircraft guns and a platoon of 9K31 Strela-1 surface-to-air missiles. Support units included support, reconnaissance, engineer, and NBC defense companies. 

336th Independent Naval Guards Brigade 

Order of Battle

877th Naval Infantry Battalion
878th Naval Infantry Battalion
879th Naval (Air Landing) Infantry Battalion
884th Naval Infantry Battalion
112th Tank Battalion 
887th Reconnaissance Battalion
1612th Artillery Battalion
1618th Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion
1615th Multi-Rocket Launcher Artillery Battalion
1621st Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion

40 T-55, 26 PT-76, 96 BTR-80, 64 BTR-60, 18 2s1 Gvozdika, 24 2s9 Nona, 18 BM-21 Grad, 15 MT-LBT, 3 PRP-3 Forward Observor , 3 PU-12, 1 BTR-60PU, 7 R-145BM, 6 1V119, 3 1V18, 1 1V19, 1 BTR-70KSh, 

Able Archer order of battle 336th Naval Guards Brigade 

Brigade HQ 

BTR 60 R-145BM command vehicle CO + radio + 5
BTR 80 ZS88 PSYOP vehicle PO + NKGB platoon, 
MTLB  ambulance OC + 2 medics 
Ural 4320 supply truck

561st "Maritime Recon” (Spetsnaz) battalion 

HQ coy 
CO+RO SA-7 team (2 figures), 4 figures medic, sniper, radio ops

I companies 
8 figures spetsnaz RPG and LMG
II company 
8 figures spetsnaz RPG and LMG 

Regiment HQ:

BTR 60 PU-12 command vehicle 
- regimental commander +3
- SA-7 team (2 figures)

Naval Infantry battalions

877th Naval infantry 

Battalion HQ Company:

- BTR-60/8 Regimental CO + radio, sniper, medic, SA-7 team (2 figures)

3 Companies:
BTR-60 7 figures with RPG and LMG
BTR-60 7 figures with RPG and LMG
BTR-60 7 figures with RPG and LMG

Support Company:
MT-LB 9 figures with 120mm mortar, AT-4 and SPG-9

878th Naval infantry battalion 

Battalion HQ Company:

- BTR-60/8 Regimental CO + radio, sniper, medic, SA-7 team (2 figures)

3 Companies:
BTR-60 7 figures with RPG and LMG
BTR-60 7 figures with RPG and LMG
BTR-60 7 figures with RPG and LMG

Support Company:
MTL- B 9 figures with 120mm mortar, AT-4 and SPG-9

879th Naval Air landing battalion 

Regimental CO + radio, sniper, medic, SA-7 team (2 figures)

3 Companies:
7 figures with RPG and LMG
7 figures with RPG and LMG
7 figures with RPG and LMG

Support Company:
9 figures with 120mm mortar, AT-4 and SPG-9

884th Naval infantry battalion 

Battalion HQ Company:

- BTR-60/8 Regimental CO + radio, sniper, medic, SA-7 team (2 figures)

3 Companies:
BTR-60 7 figures with RPG and LMG
BTR-60 7 figures with RPG and LMG
BTR-60 7 figures with RPG and LMG

Support Company:
MT-LB 9 figures with 120mm mortar, AT-4 and SPG-9

112th Tank Battalion 

I Company
      1 x TO55 (flamethrower)
      2 x T55 AD (DRZOD APS) 

II company 
2 x PT76 
III Company
2 PT-76B

887th Reconnaissance battalion:

HQ company 1 x BDRM 2, 1x BTR 60 PU radio 
 I company
1 x BDRM 2
II company 
1 x PT-76B 

1612 Artillery battalion 

Observor PRP-3 VAL
I Battery 
2 x 2S9 Nona 
II Battery 
1 x 2s1 Gvozdika 

Engineer Company:

PTS M 7 figures, rpg, lmg
BTR 50 UR67 (mine clearance rocket) 

1621st Anti tank battery 

BRDM-2 with AT-3

1618th AA Battery:

HQ coy BTR 60 PU 4 figs 
I battery SA-9 Gaskin 4 figs
II battery 1 x ZSU-23-4

1618th MLRS Battery:

HQ Gaz -66 IV19 radio command vehicle 
 2 x BM-21 Grad MLRS 4 crew

Tactical air support 

Observer BTR 60 R-975M1

71st red star landing brigade

The Ondatra class Soviet designation Project 1176 Akula LCT

(Landing craft, can carry two T-55, two APC or trucks or 50 infantry). 

Ropucha class LCM

Korolev, Minsk, Kaliningrad, Pyotr Morgunov, Georgy Pobedonosets

Baltic Fleet Naval Aviation  

689th Fighter Aviation Regiment SU27
4th Naval Attack Aviation Regiment SU24
125th Independent Helicopter Squadron Mi8 and Mi24
398th Transport Aviation Squadron Mi8




Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bundeszollverwaltung - Customs company part 2

Completed the 7 miniatures for my Customs border unit. These chaps are all Esci and Airfix. The figures are from the Esci ground crew (radio operator ) NATO troops man with hand up, and from the Airfix nato ground crew the dog and the three walking (minus their tool boxes)

The unit will be used for my skirmish and larger battles as opposition to my Soviet special forces. 

Bundeszollverwaltung -  Customs patrol



Terrain Tuesday - TV crew

 Another table piece for my Cold War collection this time a camera crew covering the troubles along the border….. figures from Elhiem miniatures range. 



Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Bundeszollverwaltung - Customs company part 1



A small addition to my Cold War west German are some customs border officers, mostly at the suggestion of Carlos on the lead adventure forum as they often were the first person to be encountered when entering West Germany. The Bundeszollverwaltung patrolled the border in a set area up to 10 klm deep, living in the area close where they patrolled.  They even had riverine and ocean going patrol boats. I plan to use up left over airfix and Esci nato figures and another dog handler to make up another 7 figure company, plus a VW van and VW beetle car to come. 


Dress uniform 

A lime green shirt, black tie,  green dress jacket, field grey trousers, black shoes, dress cap green, grey cords and black peak.

Field uniform 

A dark green field jacket, with field grey trousers black belts and boots, a green field cap 


Pistol, rifle or SMG. 

