Amoit 143 Armée de L’air
Currently working on a French 1/72nd Smer/ Heller Amoit 143 that I purchased off Ebay earlier in the
year. This bomber was mostly used for night bombing as it was outclassed by the german fighters during the daytime. I decided to build it as it was used on an effective daylight raid on the bridgeheads across the sedan on the 14th of May 1940. The model has no interior at all, and as I like to have pilots and gunners in all my models. So following some plans I have found online I have built a simple representation and have included a pilot, co pilot, bombardier/observer, (airfix pilots) rear, forward, mid section gunners (airfix Bren gun carrier drivers modified)
The pilots single seat
Looking back towards the rear of the plane, the observer, co pilot and engineer, not the control column coming down from the flight deck above, and the ladder against the wall, ( which you used to access the upper deck to the pilot), behind the co pilot was a bomb bay.
Looking toward the front at the bombardier and observer co pilot
Interior layout