Saturday, September 23, 2023

Reichsarbeitsdienst “Albert Speer” panzer grenadier Abtielung 1945

 Albert Speer RAD Panzer Grenadier Abteilung 1945

I have commenced my kampfgruppe 1001 nights, part of the unit was Albert Speer’s RAD body guard Abteilung, which was made up of Reichsarbeitsdienst troops from Berlin, many of whom come from anti aircraft batteries around Berlin. One RAD motorcycle company plus the Armoured cars joined the Kampfgruppe 1001 nights to fight in the Seelow Heights. The remainder stayed in Berlin to man 88 gun batteries and to act as infantry in he Spree sector. 

The miniatures are from Simons Soldiers fall of Berlin range, which are very versatile miniatures for the last days of the Reich wargaming 

HQ company

RAD commander

RAD panzerschrek

Rifle coy

RAD rifle company

RAD Rifle coy

MG Support Coy


RAD MG team

Rapid Fire Organisation 

Panzer-Aufklarungs-Abteilung Speer 
  • HQ, Co + 3 car, medic, panzerschrek 
  • 2 x Motorcycle company (RAD uniform) 7 figs, two Fausts
  • Armoured car company 
    • 2 x Sd.Kfz 231 A/C, 1 x Sd.Kfz 263
  • Support Company 
    • Pak 38 Anti Tank mot tow, 4 crew
    • Sdkfz 7 quad 20mm flak 38, RAD 4 crew
    • Two kettenkrads plus trailers 2 x MMG 5 figs
It seems that this unit may of increased in size with infantry reinforcements and armoured cars or have been just renamed on the 3rd of April as the “Spree Panzer Grenadier Regiment” (this also may be a mistaken renaming as they were assigned the Wehrmacht Feldpost 43449 and posted to the Spree sector in Berlin).

I hope you found this interesting as I have researching it, any notes, organisational mistakes I have made please let me know!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

WIP Wednesday American Airborne

 I Finally have decided to attack my new  Normandy Airborne Americans (I know you do not need both Normandy and Arnhem …. But Different uniforms ….. Oh well the life of a button counter lol). 

I purchased four new battalions of Airborne for Rapid Fire plus support elements from Alder and Simons Soldiers miniatures earlier in the year in Oz and at Partizan along with jeeps from RTR and guns from SHQ and Early War Miniatures. 

I undercoated two battalions on the weekend and have already got the base colours on the guns and jeeps. 

I plan to get them completed next few weeks, then onto the glider troops, more vehicles, Waco gliders, plus some C47 aircraft planned with actual aircraft for the 101st! Then I will commence the 82nd Airborne, and do the same.  



Sunday, September 10, 2023

Gestapo or secret service types

 I was looking for some pieces from my drawer of 20mm bits (I was looking for some MMGs  and 81mm mortars) and found these lurkers in one of the box’s and decided to get some paint on them whilst I am on holidays. 

I think they are Battlefield miniatures a simple job of grey, black and brown, a wash and then highlight. I elected to do simple dirt basing which can double for streetscape or countryside. They can work for armed civilians, secret service types or gestapo. Happy with the results 



Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Kit Review -SU 15 TM


I have been looking though my kits to complete some Soviet and Swedish kit for the big weekend Wargame Holiday game next May. I have a lot of aircraft kits to build and paint for both sides so I have decided to commence the assembly of my PM Models SU-15 TM which I purchased at Newark museum airfield shop in April. 

The kit looks quite simple as to be expected on a short run. A little bit of rough casting around the engine intake and marbling aroubd the nose  but with sanding it should clean up. I was disappointed that there was no pilot also and soft interior detail, I will add a 3d printed interior and pilot I suspect. 

I plan to get it painted this week in silver with a green nose and tail tip, while I am having a little summer break before our next Wargame holiday guests. 

