708th Division History
The 708th Infantry Division was created in February 1941 in the region of Metz and Strasbourg. Transferred to south west France as a static division in June manning on the coastal defences in the Gironde region. The 728 battalion was in the Gironde estuary at Royan, the 748th at Lesparre in Médoc. The 360th is stationed at Soulac, Lesparre (Saint-Vivian)and at the Caserne Nansouty in Bordeaux. Both artillery battalions are in positions along the Gironde river (1). For the muster to depart for Pays de Loire the 13th of July the Division numbered 8123 men.(2)
The 708th division was split up on the 2nd of July with part of the division to remain defending the positions along the coast and the remainder to be sent North to Pay’s de Loire to defend a new blocking line. The 360th regiment remained in the Festung Gironde Nord position along with the two fortress gun regiments 1280 (Blonville-sue-mer) and 1282 (Royan), KVGR (Gironde Harbour defence) the 708 field replacement battalion and RAD elements under the command of Generalmajor Arndt.
A new structure was formed on the 13th of July (3) and the 708th field Division was appointed its former commander generalleutnant Herman Wilck. At this time the division also received nine self propelled Marder 1 sdkfz 135 Panzerjager and twelve 88mm Anti tank guns from 2/AOK1 reserves. The division commenced movement on the 2nd of August by train and vehicles via Angers, then North to join the blocking line and deployed in a triangle defensive position, from Domfront (Normandy ) along the Mayenne river through Ambrieres, Ville Mayenne to Laval to the south and then. following the national highway to Le Mans (German 7th Army HQ), then back via Sillé-le-Guillaume back to Mayenne.
Most of the division was in place by the 5th, however the American 90th Infantry Division had already captured the important remaining river bridge across the Mayenne river at Ville Mayenne on the afternoon of the 5th of August and then formed a bridgehead driving deep towards Le Mans.
The 708th divisions 1st and 3rd battalions of 728th Regiment joined the counterattack on the Mayenne river breach flanks from the direction East from Aaron and Pre-en-Pail from the N12 north of Mayenne. The Kampfgruppe Coretti assaulted the north east of the city and was commanded by Oberst Julius Coretti (appointed by 7th Army HQ). Counter attacks persisted over the 6th and 7th of August. The Kampfgruppe consisted of the reconnaissance battalion Panzer Lehr, III Kp (6 x sturmgeshütz III) of Sturmgeschützbrigade 341, 1st Sicherungs Regiment, flak battalion 496 (most of the battery were lost in the fighting in Mayenne), a Radfahr battalion (30?), Luftwaffe Landschutzen Lisieux (elements from the radar station at Oisseau), plus another Kampfgruppe Reich from 9th Panzer Division on the 7th and 8th of August. Over the next three days fierce night and street fighting between Aaron and Mayenne erupted which almost destroyed Kampfgruppe Coretti with the remainder retreating towards Sille Le Guilliame, Pre-en-Pail and Evron on the 9th August.
Thirty Kilometers south Between the 5th and 6th of August heavy fighting occurred around Laval, a second breach and crossing of the river occurred south at Laval by 5th US Armoured, 105th Cavalry and 79th Infantry Division. Kampfgruppe Oberst Kutzen defending Laval and the Laval lufwaffe airfield (elements 91st Infantry Division, 17th SS Panzerjager Abteilung, 708 Fusilier battalion, 842 Flak battalion and Sicherungs Regiment 195) many were caught in a pincer movement and surrounded (1667 prisoners) with escaping units retreating towards Le Mans on the route National.
The division reorganised and prepared a new blocking line as elements of the 9th Panzer arrived to help defend Le Mans, again being savaged at Evron and Saint Suzanne (where majority of the artillery regiment was destroyed or captured) retreating through Sillé-le-Guillaume north towards Alençon, hasty kampfgruppes were thrown together to prevent the the breakthrough, however against overwhelming odds the front had collapsed by the 9th. On the 10th generalleutnant Herman Wilck was wounded when his car was destroyed by artillery fire and command fell to Oberst Bruno Gerlock and by the 18th much of the division was surrounded and surrendered (Gerlock was captured on the 19th)(5) . The remainder of the Divisions men either escaped into the Falaise pocket and moved west via Chartres with the retreating German VIIth army.
708th Infantry Division Commanders
The division's former commander, Generalmajor Arndt with his aides Hauptmann Wilhelm Schöps and Oberleutnant Arthur Jordan were captured on the 24th of August and executed by Free French Forces south of Troyes on 27th August at Chateau de Grogny, there bodies have never been found.
Commanded by lt General Herman Wilck a WW1 veteran, he commanded the highly decorated Kaiser Franz Garde Grenadier 2nd Battalion where he was awarded the Iron Cross first, second class and the Pour le Merite. He was wounded in his vehicle by artillery on the 10th of August and replaced by Oberst Bruno Gerloch.
Organisation 708th Infantry Division
Organisation 13th April 1944
728th Grenadier Regiment
I 728 battalion
I Kp cycles 12 MMG, 2x 120mm mortar
II kp 12 MMG
III kp 12 MMG, 2 x 81mm mortars, 1 x 120mm mortar
IV kp 12 MMG, 4 x 81mm mortars
II 728 battalion
V Kp
XIV kp
I ZUG 3 x 75mm
II ZUG 3 x 50mm
II Zug 18 x panzerschrek
748th Grenadier battalion
Oberst Lebrecht-Georg von Viebahn von der Borne |
I battalion Oberst Heyer (664 men 17th July)Consisted of 50% Polish volunteers and Silesian’s.
I Kp cycles 12 MMG, 2 x 81mm mortar, 1x 120mm mortar
II kp 12 MMG 2 x81mm mortar, 1 x 120mm mortar
III kp 12 MMG, 2 x 81mm mortars, 1 x 120mm mortar
IV kp 12 MMG, 4 x 81mm mortars, 3 x 120mm mortars
III battalion Major Leister
IX Kp cycles 12 MMG, 2x 120mm mortar
X kp 12 MMG
XI kp 12 MMG, 2 x 81mm mortars, 1 x 120mm mortar
XII kp 12 MMG, 4 x 81mm mortars
XIV Komp Hauptmann Karl
1 ZUG 3 x 75mm antitank
2 ZUG 18 panzerschreck
3 ZUG 2 x 47mm anti tank
1708 artillery regiment (658 men)
I battalion
I battery 4 x French Schneider 105mm horse
II battery 4 x French Schneider 105mm horse
III battery 4 x French Schneider 105mm motorised
IV battery 4 x French Schneider 105mm horse
II battalion
V battery 4 x 7.62cm IKH 290(r) in II./1708 Art 76 mm M1927 regimental guns were placed into service as the 7.62 cm Infanteriekanonehaubitze 290(r) (infantry gun-howitzer), horse drawn
VI battery as above
VII battery as above
VIII battery 4 x 122mm Russian
IX Battery 4 x 122mm Russian
708 Anti Aircraft
I battery
4 x 20mm AA horse towed
II battery
5 x 20mm AA horse towed
708 (II Abteilung 748 ) Fusilier Abteilung Hauptmann Knerrlich
Defended Laval with Kaupfgruppe Oberst Kutzen, the 667 men on the 13th July were mounted on cycles and acted as the recon element of the Kampgruppe, formally the second Abteilung of 748th Regiment.
I Kp cycles 12 MMG, 2 x 81mm, 2x 120mm mortar
II kp cycles 12 MMG, 2 x 81mm, 1 x 120mm mortar
III kp cycles 12 MMG, 2 x 81mm mortars, 1 x 120mm mortar
IV kp cycles 12 MMG, 4 x 81mm mortars, 3 x 120mm mortars
708 Panzerjager Abteilung
Attached is the war structure of the Pz.Jg.Abt.708 from July 2, 1944, from reserves.
On the 13th July 140 men 1.Pz.Kp 9 x Marder I sdkfz 135

2.Pz.Kp. (mot. Z) with 5 x 8.8 cm anti-aircraft guns (assigned from AOK1)
3.Pz.Kp. with 12 x 2cm anti-aircraft guns on self-propelled gun
708 pioneer battalion Hauptmann Ahfeld 1 komp Mayenne
II komp (deployed) Foret grand Charlie
III Komp (deployed) St Ouen en champagne
708 Sanitäts company
I plan to build command elements, two infantry regiments, artillery and the Panzer jager companies for Rapid Fire