
Saturday, March 8, 2025

Belgian Fairey Battle WIP part 1

 Fairey Battle build 

Next addition to my Belgian airforce will be a Fairey Battle bomber, I purchased the Azur kit for this aircraft, the kit has the decals for one of the six aircraft shot down whilst bombing the Meuse Bridges on the 11th of May. 

T70, 5/III/3Aé at Evere, shot down on 11 May 1940 at Vlijtingen while attacking Vroenhoven bridge.

Belgian Chasseur Ardennais support Battalion

Belgian Chasseur Ardennais support Battalion 

Each Regiment of the Belgian Army has four regiments, 3 rifle and one support battalion. It consisted of MG, mortar, infantry gun and antitank companies. Interesting the T13 and T15 light tanks were regarded as self propelled Anti tank vehicles. 

The Belgians had a wide mix of light and medium machine guns. The light squad weapons were the BAR 30 model, Lewis, and the Hotchiss M1909, Chauchat M1915. 

Bar machine gun

BAR lmg

Light Mortars were the  and the DBT 50mm, one in each company, in rapid fire one in the HQ company 

The medium machine gun included the Vickers, Maxim 08, Maxim 1911,  Colt 1914, FM 1914 and the Hotchiss 1914. 

Anti tank was the superb Fonderie Royale de Canons Modèle 1931 47mm

A interesting development of this gun, it used the same carriage and trail as the 76 FRC canon. The Chassuer Ardennais carried two barrels on their vehicle the 47mm anti tank and the 76mm IG on the Vickers carrier or Alvis Straussler Hefty so they could be swapped out as required. 

Bofors mountain gun, cannon 76mm model 34 infantry support gun.


Monday, March 3, 2025

Chasseur Ardennais- Alvis Hefty artillery Tractor

 Chasseur Ardennais- Alvis Hefty Artillery Tractor 

Finally completed my Belgian Alvis Hefty artillery tractor, I started scratchbuilding almost three years ago is now finally painted! I have added two crew from Early War Minatures. Markings are hand painted. Really happy with my results 




The Belgian Light Field Artillery from 1900 to 1940 - Volume I Colonel Roger Lothaire Military Heritage Editions 2011

The Belgian Light Field Artillery from 1900 to 1940 - Volume II Colonel Roger Lothaire Military Heritage Editions 2012

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Belgian Chasseur Ardennais infantry

Additional infantry for my Chasseur Ardennais, a mix again of FAA and battlefield/Blitz miniatures. The Belgian Chasseurs Ardennais were organised into Regiments of three rifle battalions and one support battalion. Each rifle battalion had a HQ and three rifle companys, each company had this Organisation. The Organisation below is for the rifle companies. 

Company HQ

HQ Section:
Company Commanding Officer (9mm P-35 Pistol)
Company Sergeant (9mm P-35 Pistol)
2 x Orderly’s (9mm mle 1934 SMGs)
Signals section:
Corporal (7.65 FN mle 1889 Rifle)
4 x Men (7.65 FN mle 1889 Rifles)
Observation section:
Corporal (7.65 FN mle 1889 Rifle)
2 x Men (7.65 FN mle 1889 Rifles)

3 x Rifle Platoons Each:

Platoon HQ
Lieutenant (9mm P-35 Pistol)
Platoon Sgt (7.65 FN mle 1889 Rifle)
Orderly (7.65 FN mle 1889 Rifle)

Grenade Launcher Section
Corporal (9mm P-35 Pistol)
3 x Gunners (9mm P-35 Pistols)
6 x Ammo men (7.65 FN mle 1889 Rifles)
3 x D.B.T. 50 Grenade Launchers

4 x Infantry Sections Each:
Infantry Section:
LMG Squad:
Sergeant (7.65 FN mle 1889 Rifle)
Gunner (FM 30 LMG + 9mm P-35 Pistol)
5 x Men (7.65 FN mle 1889 Rifles)
Rifle Squad:
Corporal (7.65 FN mle 1889 Rifle)
5 x Men (7.65 FN mle 1889 Rifles)

Notes: The MP34 Schmeisser-Bergmann-Bayard machine pistol a rare beast normally carried by NCOs and officers in reconnaissance companies but I have seen it in use by the Chasseurs Ardennais. The BAR browning was the predominant Sqaud automatic weapon, but I have also seen photos of the Modele 1915/27 French Chauchat light machine gun.

Rapid Fire 

this translates too a battalion of chasseurs Ardennais 

Regimental HQ

Officer, 2IC, two orderlies , two signalers, one observer, one medic, anti tank rifle, two cars, two motorcycles with side car 


Headquarters Coy
Officer, orderlies two figs, DBT mortar pltn two figs, signals pltn two figs, 

1st coy
Officer, BAR LMG 2 crew, 7 OR

2nd coy

Officer, BAR LMG 2 crew, 7 OR

3rd Coy 

Officer, BAR LMG 2 crew, 7 OR


Chasseur Ardennais- Vickers Utility tractors and guns

 Chasseur Ardennais- Vickers Utility tractors and guns 

More additions this week for my Chassuers, these are lovely Vickers Utility Tractors and guns are from Early War miniatures, the seated gun crew are EWM also,  the drivers are SHQ though.  Markings are hand painted. 


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Chasseur Ardennais - FN 63 Trucks

 Chasseur Ardennais - FN 63 Trucks   

Additional pieces for my chasseur Ardennais. Completed three Early War Miniatures  FN 63 4RM trucks, really nice pieces, I am planning these to tow my 150mm Schneider gun battery, I need to add seated crew to one along with a towed gun. 

I have added SHQ drivers in two of them. I elected to darken the British scc2 green to more reflect to Belgian vehicle Colour. 

This vehicle will be the tow, I have set the rear lower and plan to add crew and artillery men in the rear. 


Friday, February 28, 2025

82nd Airborne - Supply Jeeps

 Off the desk this week some American airborne jeeps for my Arnhem collection, jeeps are Raventhorpe, crews are Alder, loads are a mix of SHQ and scratch built.

4 jeeps 20mm @ 15 points = 60 points 

10 crew 20mm @ 4 points = 40 points 

Total 100 points 



Thursday, February 27, 2025

Les Chasseurs Ardennais a Bodange - book review

 Les Chasseurs Ardennais a Bodange, book review 

I seen a reference to this book in a French magazine and I knew I had to have it. Written by the commanding officer of the 5th company of the 1st Chassuer Ardennais who defended Bodange. 

The book had some great colour and black and white photos, maps and a comprehensive breakdown of the units involved and weapons in each platoon. Maps of each position allow you to follow the combat until the end phase in Bondage. 

I plan to walk the ground this year on our holiday in Belgium, and take a number of photos. I wrote a scenario a number of years ago for the battle, after reading the accounts I will rewrite them and post up the skirmish level and a company level scenarios.


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Bundeszollverwaltung VW T1 van

 Bundeszollverwaltung VW T1 van 

Another piece from the hotwheels VW pack. A customs vehicle for my customs troops. 

Customs tax, best follow the number plate advice! 


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Civilian Cold War VW beetle

 VW beetle 

I am always on the lookout for civilian bits that will fit my Cold War scenes, I was excited to come across a hot wheels collection of VW cars which in due course will hit the painting desk. This one my my wife’s mothers car in the 80s. Very snazzy at the time in two tone orange and white. 



Thursday, February 13, 2025

Bundesgrenzschutz Part 10

 Bundesgrenzschutz Cars 

More VW vehicles for the Bundesgrenzschutz, again a mix of matchbox and hot wheels. Quite happy with them. 
