
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Pantserwagen M38 Landsverk 180


 Pantserwagen M38 Landsverk 180

Off the desk this week as I hit the painting desk again after returning from Australia. This last 5 days I have been building kits and airbrushing kits. I finally painted a large amount of vehicles that have been in the queue for some time. 

First up is Dutch M38 armoured card for my 1940 Dutch. I cannot recall the resin manufacturer as they been awaiting paint for at least four years as the kit was missing it’s doors, so I sat down and crafted some from plastic card, quite happy with my result. I also painted the markings as I could not find my Black Lion decals I purchased a long time ago. 




Saturday, January 25, 2025

217 Sturm Panzer Abtielung

 217. Sturm-Pz.Abt

Saumur tank museum sd.kfz 166 Sturmpanzer IV (Stupa) Brummbär,


sd.kfz 166 Sturmpanzer IV (Stupa) Brummbär,

This unit was unique in Normandy, since it was the only unit equipped with the sd.kfz 166 Sturmpanzer IV (Stupa) Brummbär, with its short 15 cm howitzer in a box superstructure on a panzer IV chassis. The low muzzle velocity of the weapon made it unsuitable against tanks in an anti tank role, but it was quite effective against buildings and ground targets.

According to Niklas Zetterling The battalion probably had a T/O&E strength of three companies with 14 vehicles in each and three StuPz in the battalion staff. This is similar to the organization of the 216. Sturm-Pz.Abt., first employed at the battle at Kursk 1943 and also similar to the organization of the Tiger battalions.

On 24 June it was intended to send the battalion to the Conde-sur-Noireau  - Le Beny Bocage - Vire area in Normandy, but on 18 July, the battalion had still not arrived. The battalion seems never to have been employed in Normandy as a complete unit.

On 21 July one company (probably the 2nd) had arrived in 21. Pz.Div. area. Two days later the 2nd company was subordinated to 21. Pz.Div. On 24 July, the company had 11 StuPz IV operational and 2 in short term repair. Later, on 29 July, the company was subordinated to Leibstandarte (1. SS-Pz.Div.) and one day later its strength stood at 9 vehicles operational and 2 in short term repair.

The first document found where the 3rd company is mentioned is dated 30 July. It is stated that the 3rd company is transferring from II. SS-Pz.Corps area to the 74th Corps. 2nd company remained with 1. SS-Pz.Div. and had 10 StuPz IV operational 31 July. That number was unchanged on 1 August, but had risen to 12 on 3 August11, when the company still was subordinated to 1. SS-Pz.Div. Both strength and location was unchanged on 4 August.

On 6 August 2nd company was with II. SS-Pz.Corps and had 3 StuPz operational for the beginning of Operation Lüttich. Simultaneously 13 runners were with 89. Inf.Div during the fighting around Tilly during Operation Totalize . Three days later ten were operational with 12 SS-Pz.Div. and just one with 89. Inf.Div who lost four vehicles destroyed by Canadians around the village of Cintheaux along the Caen Falaise road (just south of the Canadian war Cemetry) . The battalion shrunk to just 5 operational with 12. SS-Pz.Div. on the 10 August. On 11th it was unchanged. This day it was also reported that the 1./Stu-Pz.Abt. 217 was subordinated to 271. Inf.Div.

After that no documents from the staffs in western Europe mention the 217. Stu.Pz.Abt., though this should not be interpreted as indicating that the unit did not take part in the actions, since higher command echelons usually did not deal with smaller units than divisions. Furthermore, the excellent daily reports on tank strength found in Pz.Gr. West/5th Panzer Army records do only cover the period up to 11 August. Thereafter no such documents have been found. On 4 September the 217. Stu.Pz.Abt. still remained in action.

There exist however one report, dated 16 August among the files of the Inspector-General of Panzer Troops. According to this the battalion had 17 operational StuPz IV and 14 in short term repair (within three weeks). The casualties 1 - 15 August amounted to 10 killed in action, 33 wounded and 12 missing. The authorized manpower strength was 772 men, but it was short of 69 men.

The 2nd company of the battalion clearly took part in the battle, but the whereabouts of the 1st and 3rd is less clear. Only on 30 July is the 3rd explicitly mentioned. Also on 6 August StuPz IV were found both with 12 SS-Pz.Div. and 89. Inf.Div. which might mean that two companies were present. However, these two divisions were quite close at the time and it is not inconceivable that they came from the same company. The total number of StuPz IV with these two divisions was 16, which exceeds the strength of a company, but it is also possible that the battalion staff was in Normandy (with three StuPz according to T/O&E). Whatever the truth, the number of StuPz IV employed certainly was small. As indicated by the table below only 28 StuPz IV were delivered before the end of the campaign in Normandy.

On 1 October, the battalion had a strength of 603 men, while casualties during September was 13 killed, 57 wounded and 53 missing. Only 11 men had arrived at the battalion as replacements and 36 men had left the battalion for other reasons than being casualties. This indicates that the battalion had over 700 men on 1 September, which means that it was far from destroyed.

The deliveries of StuPz IV to the battalion were.

24 May

19 StuPz IV

25 June

2 StuPz IV

10 July

7 StuPz IV

18 August

10 StuPz IV

16 September

10 StuPz IV

26 September

4 StuPz IV

On 1 October the battalion had 14 combat ready StuPz IV, while 5 were in short term repair. The number in long term repair is not known.

As the companies fought attached to larger organisations I plan only to build two vehicles at this stage for Rapid Fire. 



Niklas Zetterling ("Normandy 1944, German Military Organization, Combat Power and Organizational Effectiveness". ISBN 0-921991-56-8)

Friday, January 24, 2025

1/72 Israeli M50 and M 51 part 1

 This year planning to complete some more Israeli tanks for the 6 days war and Yom Kippur. A long time ago I purchased a number of Cpl Obervy Sherman 1/72 conversions for the Israeli M50 and M51 tanks. These conversions are for Dragon or Hasegawa Sherman kit’s, predominantly with the HVSS chassis in mind, although some M50s were on the vertical chassis. Dragon 1/72 are becoming more and more rare, plus expensive, but hasegawa still are quite available, however with 3d printing available I printed the chassis I required.  

There were no instructions so I spent a number of hours watching videos whilst I cleaned up the kits. After gluing a deck on one of the vehicles the video informed me that the exhaust system was different on each variant. Frustrated  I thought I would search for info and come across some explanations of a build. This explained the different chassis and turrets I had much better!

The kits are very cleanly cast in resin, with lots of spare bits, Jerry cans, wheels, boxes and track boxes, spotlight, barrel brace, although I scratch built some more Track Boxes as some M51 seemed to have them on both sides looking at images.  The 50 cal is particularly nice, but be careful trimming the hatches as the points are particularly fine, I think I only successfully cleaned up one without breaking it. I would have like a 30 cal also for the M51 and a closed up front hull mg port. 

 Unfortunately it seems that CPL Obervy has closed shop, so your only choice is 3d printed kits now. Looking forward to getting all of mine assembled and painted over the next few weeks. 

M50 conversion kits 

Replacement engine deck with the extra welded plate in the middle between the air filter intakes 

The original dragon chassis, the later master for the Hasegawa

M50 dragon on the left, hasegawa on the right

The rear plate conversion, add your block outs or exhaust depending upon mark

M51 Hasegawa conversion kit, I also received baggage, fuel drums and boxes

M51 turret, dragon on the left hasegawa on the right 

M51 dragon on the left Hasegawa on the right

Instructions for the hasegawa chassis 

Deck and rear plate exhaust arrangements for both M50 and M51 



Thursday, January 23, 2025

Able Archer Arab Israeli Wars - Syrian Armed Forces

 Syrian Able Archer list 1963-1990

Israel and Syria have technically at war since 1948 with the purple line 1973 ceasefire has remained. The scope of these lists are from 1963 with the socialist Ba’ath party achieved total control of the state, up until the end of the Lebanese civil war in October 1990. Syria fought the Israelis in the 1948, 1967 six day war,  and 1973 Yom Kippur war. 1970 Black September Jordan civil war, 1970-82 Muslim Brotherhood civil war, 

My Syrian Armed Forces are based on order of battle for 1973 up until 1990, for the sake of completeness for other able archer players I have added a list at the bottom from 1956-1990 equipment also. 

Syrian Structure for Rapid Fire Able Archer

Corps and Divisional Assets

Battle Group Command assets

1x BTR50PU with command Group 
1 x BTR50PU with Artillery Observation group 
AA platoon ZSU 23-4 (shilka) 
2 x SA9b + BTR 40b 

Supply assets 
3 x Zil 157 or Ural 375 trucks 

Engineering assets 
Field Engineer battalion 
BHQ Gaz46
1-4 coys 
KMT- 54 mine clearing tank on a T54 chassis (Armoured and motorised division) 

Bridging battalion 
1-4 coys
MTU12 T54/T55  bridge layer

Anti tank assets 
2x D44 85mm anti tank gun, gun tractor Zil-157 4 crew 
Anti tank missile coy 
2x BDRM 2 9P122 ATGM

Anti Air Assets 

Praga 53/59 
BDRM Battery 
BDRM recon 
2 x BDRM 2 SA9 Gaskin 

S75 Regiment 
Zil 157 Command truck 
FNR75 Fan Song radar trailer mounted 
6 x SA 2 S 75 Dvina guideline truck mounted. 

SA3 Gia S125 Neva missile battery 
Zil 157 command truck P15 radar 
Zil-157 missile truck 

SA 6 2K12 Kub Gainful (attached to Armoured brigade) 
Zil 157 command truck P 15 Radar  
2 x SA6

Sam 5 battery ( Syrian Territory defence)
55k6e radar command truck 
3 x Sam5 s200 Gammon missile (delivery 1983) 

SA8 battery 
2 x SA8 9K33 Oska Gecko (1982) (infantry division support) 

Armoured brigade battle group 

Brigade HQ 
Officer commander + 2 medic, 2 radio, defence pltn 2
1 x T-62A (T340/85 or T54 or T55) 
1 x BTR 152 K ambulance 
1 x BTR 152 S command radio 

Tank battalion 
HQ 1x T62 (OC) Officer commanding 
1st Coy 2 x T62
2nd Coy 2 x T62
3rd Coy 2 x T62 

Armoured Reconnaissance Company 
1x BDRM1 Officer, 3 infantry and 1 x RPG 
1x PT-76 


Armour options six day war 
PIV twenty five operational in 67 war 
Jadgpanzer IV 48 six purchased, deployed on Golan heights in the six day war one knocked out
StuG III G forty one purchased (24 in defiladed positions on the Golan heights six day war)

Armour options 74 war 

Artillery Assets (off table normally) 

Each Syrian artillery battalion has two batteries, artillery may use the ammunition types listed for the year of manufacture if you want to get into the weeds of ammunition types. A radio truck must be used for more than one battery. Doctrine for brigade and division is to concentrate fire so one mission can include all tubes of a battery’s available but not split fire on the table. Corps artillery is assigned by the corps Observor attached at battle group level. Assigned as required for scenario, some of the heavy artillery and missiles are not required for a tabletop, I do like deploy the Forward Artillery Officer and vehicles, plus the command radio vehicles present (which can make the targets). I also like to have missile batteries for scenarios for commando type raids. 

Dedicated Brigade Assets
HQ Gaz69 car - OC plus 2 
Gaz 69 car Forward artillery Observor plus 2 other ranks for FO team
BTR152S radio truck plus 3 Other Ranks

M43 120mm mortar (6 tubes per battery) 6 crew Gaz 66 truck
M56 160mm mortar (6 tubes per battery) 6 crew Gaz 66 truck (1956-85 normally infantry brigade)

HQ ACRV2 command vehicle
2S1 122mm self propelled Howitzer (6 tubes per battery)

Division Field Artillery Battalion 

HQ Gaz69 car - OC plus 2 
Gaz 69 car Forward artillery Observor plus 2 other ranks for FO team

BTR152S radio truck plus 3 Other Ranks
122mm Howitzer D20, Towed Ural 375 or Zil 131 - 6 tubes per battery
HQ ACRV2 command vehicle
152mm 2s3m Akatsiya Self propelled 6 tubes per battery 

HQ Gaz69 car - OC plus 2 
Gaz 69 car Forward artillery Observor plus 2 other ranks for FO team
BTR152S radio truck plus 3 Other Ranks

240mm M53 mortar towed Gaz 66, 6 crew, 6 tubes per battery 

Corps Artillery Assets

130mm M46 gun towed Zil-131, 6 crew 6 guns per battery
180mm S23 gun towed 


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Plans for 2025

2025 goals and plans 

I have a few big goals and lots of plans in sand. I main focus is in two main directions this year Napoleonics and WW2. I really want to complete my French guard cavalry (all front rank) and 20mm Americans this year. The other stuff is all ready to be worked on as the mood grabs me. My plan is for the next three months concentrate on my French Guard and 20mm Americans. 

28mm Napoleonic 

Complete my French Guard Cavalry (96 cav)(front rank)
Complete 4 battalions to French Line in greatcoat (warlord) 1812-14 (156 foot)
Complete  2 regiments of (warlord) Lancers 1812-14 (36)
Complete Baden foot infantry regiments x 6 (200 foot) (Skytrex-Warlord)

28mm Other

Additions 13th century collection 40 cavalry, 60 foot (Mirliton)
Complete my French 1488 Mad War Ordonance army 60 foot, 20 horse, 2 guns. (perry)
5th century Greek 80 foot (immortal-Warlord)
80 Thracian foot, 12 cavalry  (Foundry)

20mm ww2

82nd airborne division 
210 foot, 6 artillery and 18 vehicles, 4 x 1/72 gliders (AB, Alder and Simons soldiers, heller, italeri, airfix SHQ)
US 5th Armoured 
30 tanks, 90 foot, 4 guns and 12 halftracks, 12 trucks and other vehicles (heller, italeri, AB, Simons Soldiers, Alder)
90th infantry division 
70 foot, 21 vehicles (AB, Alder and Simons Soldiers)
US landing craft x 12 various sizes marked up for Omaha. (Airfix and italeri) 
17th SS 
4 x StuGs, 4 x JGD IVL,  60 infantry, 12 vehicles (PSC, italeri, Plana mayor, Battlefeild, FAA)
101 panzer ersatz training battalion 1 pz iii, 2 x H39, 2 x R35, 10 infantry, (heller, first to fight, Battlefeild) 
Panzer Lehr 
15 tanks, 26 vehicles, 60 infantry, 4 guns, 4 x Flak guns.(elhiem, Simons soldiers, PSC, Airfix, Italeri, hasegawa) 
British airborne 
5 gliders with correct markings for operation Tonga. 1 Hamilcar glider (airfix, italeri, planet models) 

20mm Cold War 

67 War Israeli 
7 tanks, 5 half tracks, 60 infantry, 3 jets, 1 helicopter (heller, italeri, dragon, hasegawa, airfix, cpl overby)
67 war Egyptian 9 tanks, 5 APCs, 2 jets
Cold War Russian 
Naval infantry 12 APCs, 3 t55 6 other vehicles, 60 figures, landing craft x 3, 1 helicopter (Britannia, Ammo, elhiem, italeri, S&S models)
Cold War Motorised Russian infantry x 60, 12 APCs, two Sam launchers  (elhiem, sSmodels, Armo)

British Cold War 6 tanks, 8 APCs 40 infantry, helicopter, 2 jets. (Dragon, 3d prints, elhiem, airfix)

That should keep me busy
