Syrian Able Archer list 1963-1990
Israel and Syria have technically at war since 1948 with the purple line 1973 ceasefire has remained. The scope of these lists are from 1963 with the socialist Ba’ath party achieved total control of the state, up until the end of the Lebanese civil war in October 1990. Syria fought the Israelis in the 1948, 1967 six day war, and 1973 Yom Kippur war. 1970 Black September Jordan civil war, 1970-82 Muslim Brotherhood civil war,
My Syrian Armed Forces are based on order of battle for 1973 up until 1990, for the sake of completeness for other able archer players I have added a list at the bottom from 1956-1990 equipment also.
Syrian Structure for Rapid Fire Able Archer
Corps and Divisional Assets
Battle Group Command assets
1x BTR50PU with command Group
1 x BTR50PU with Artillery Observation group
AA platoon ZSU 23-4 (shilka)
2 x SA9b + BTR 40b
Supply assets
3 x Zil 157 or Ural 375 trucks
Engineering assets
Field Engineer battalion
BHQ Gaz46
1-4 coys
KMT- 54 mine clearing tank on a T54 chassis (Armoured and motorised division)
Bridging battalion
1-4 coys
MTU12 T54/T55 bridge layer
Anti tank assets
2x D44 85mm anti tank gun, gun tractor Zil-157 4 crew
Anti tank missile coy
2x BDRM 2 9P122 ATGM
Anti Air Assets
Praga 53/59
BDRM Battery
BDRM recon
2 x BDRM 2 SA9 Gaskin
S75 Regiment
Zil 157 Command truck
FNR75 Fan Song radar trailer mounted
6 x SA 2 S 75 Dvina guideline truck mounted.
SA3 Gia S125 Neva missile battery
Zil 157 command truck P15 radar
Zil-157 missile truck
SA 6 2K12 Kub Gainful (attached to Armoured brigade)
Zil 157 command truck P 15 Radar
2 x SA6
Sam 5 battery ( Syrian Territory defence)
55k6e radar command truck
3 x Sam5 s200 Gammon missile (delivery 1983)
SA8 battery
2 x SA8 9K33 Oska Gecko (1982) (infantry division support)
Armoured brigade battle group
Brigade HQ
Officer commander + 2 medic, 2 radio, defence pltn 2
1 x T-62A (T340/85 or T54 or T55)
1 x BTR 152 K ambulance
1 x BTR 152 S command radio
Tank battalion
HQ 1x T62 (OC) Officer commanding
1st Coy 2 x T62
2nd Coy 2 x T62
3rd Coy 2 x T62
Armoured Reconnaissance Company
1x BDRM1 Officer, 3 infantry and 1 x RPG
1x PT-76
Armour options six day war
PIV twenty five operational in 67 war
Jadgpanzer IV 48 six purchased, deployed on Golan heights in the six day war one knocked out
StuG III G forty one purchased (24 in defiladed positions on the Golan heights six day war)
Armour options 74 war
Artillery Assets (off table normally)
Each Syrian artillery battalion has two batteries, artillery may use the ammunition types listed for the year of manufacture if you want to get into the weeds of ammunition types. A radio truck must be used for more than one battery. Doctrine for brigade and division is to concentrate fire so one mission can include all tubes of a battery’s available but not split fire on the table. Corps artillery is assigned by the corps Observor attached at battle group level. Assigned as required for scenario, some of the heavy artillery and missiles are not required for a tabletop, I do like deploy the Forward Artillery Officer and vehicles, plus the command radio vehicles present (which can make the targets). I also like to have missile batteries for scenarios for commando type raids.
Dedicated Brigade Assets
HQ Gaz69 car - OC plus 2
Gaz 69 car Forward artillery Observor plus 2 other ranks for FO team
BTR152S radio truck plus 3 Other Ranks
M43 120mm mortar (6 tubes per battery) 6 crew Gaz 66 truck
M56 160mm mortar (6 tubes per battery) 6 crew Gaz 66 truck (1956-85 normally infantry brigade)
HQ ACRV2 command vehicle
2S1 122mm self propelled Howitzer (6 tubes per battery)
Division Field Artillery Battalion
HQ Gaz69 car - OC plus 2
Gaz 69 car Forward artillery Observor plus 2 other ranks for FO team
BTR152S radio truck plus 3 Other Ranks
122mm Howitzer D20, Towed Ural 375 or Zil 131 - 6 tubes per battery
HQ ACRV2 command vehicle
152mm 2s3m Akatsiya Self propelled 6 tubes per battery
HQ Gaz69 car - OC plus 2
Gaz 69 car Forward artillery Observor plus 2 other ranks for FO team
BTR152S radio truck plus 3 Other Ranks
240mm M53 mortar towed Gaz 66, 6 crew, 6 tubes per battery
Corps Artillery Assets
130mm M46 gun towed Zil-131, 6 crew 6 guns per battery
180mm S23 gun towed