17th SS Götz von Berlichingen in Normandy & Pays de Loire 1944
Another upcoming winter project for the analogue painting challenge this year is to add the 17th SS Gotz von Berlichingen to my collection. I have commenced putting together some information for the division in preparation for my build. As with all of builds I will select some of the more useful units to build for my Normandy collection. The unit predominantly was filled with Volksdeutsche Balkan conscripts and 500 Italians who fitted the Aryan ideal with cadre of NCOs from the 10SS, the Der Furher 35th and 36th regiments supplied the Officer and senior NCOs cadre, a bit of confusion with the division make up as some units became cadre for other SS units.
Unit movements Normandy & Pays de Loire 1944
According to an order by Hitler dated 3 October 1943 the 17. SS-Pz.Gren.Div. was to be formed, a process that was begun on 15 November, south of Saumur at Thouars. The structure of the division was laid out
Its manpower strength amounted to 17 321 men on 1 June, but it was short of 233 officers and 1 541 NCO:s, while it had a surplus of 741 privates. This meant that the division was short of about 40 % of its officers and NCO, a serious disadvantage.
At the beginning of June the division had many deficiencies. The greatest was probably the lack of infantry and supply vehicles. The supply services of the division completely lacked transportation on 1 June. According to a report concerning the situation 15 May the division had only 257 trucks and towing vehicles of all types. No deliveries of JagdPz IV had yet occurred, but the 3. Kompanie of the had three 7.62 cm Pak R (Sf) and nine 7.5 cm Pak (Sf).
By using the Aufkl.Abt., StuG.Abt., SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 38 and one reinforced artillery battalion (consisting of four batteries with 105mm le.FH and one battery with 150mm s.FH a mobile Kampfgruppe was formed that moved to Normandy on the 6th of June.
I will concentrate on this Kampfgruppe and 17th Jagdpanzer Panzer which fought only 20klm from my house.
Weapon returns
In June it had the following equipment
On Hand | Shortage | |
Machine Guns | 1 008 | 146 |
8 cm mortar | 99 | 0 |
7,5 cm le.IG | 8 | 21 |
15 cm s.IG (Sf) | 12 | 0 |
10,5 cm le.FH | 25 | 0 |
15 cm s.FH | 12 | 0 |
10 cm K | 4 | 0 |
5cm Pak 7.5cm Pak 7.6 cm Pak | 33 22 3 | 5 |
2 cm Flak | 44 | 0 |
2 cm Flakvierling | 7 | 0 |
3,7 cm Flak | 9 | 0 |
8,8 cm Flak | 12 | 0 |
Flamethrower | 72 | 2 |
Motorcycles | 275 | 410 |
Cars | 1104 | 22 |
Trucks | 245 | 1 441 |
RSO | 2 | 0 |
Towing vehicles | 10 | 245 |
Schtz SP & Pz Spah | 61 | 0 |
Marder | 12 | 0 |
StuG | 83 | 0 |
Bef.Pz.IV | 0 | 3 arrived in August |
A disadvantage was the shortage of Panzerfäuste. According to Stöber the division did not receive any until mid-July and then only in insufficient quantities.
Stabs Company with 2 Panzer Befwg. IV, 6 Flakpz. 38
1st - 3rd Company with a total of 42 StuGs
(the vast majority of which were StuG IVs, as I currently assume that all 41 StuG IVs delivered were taken over by the Panzer Division - which already had this type)
1st June 44, GvB had four Sd.Kfz. 231 8 rad A/C, fifteen 222 2cm and 221 mg, 42 StuG IVs, and 3 Panzer IIIm 5cm L60 guns. There is a pioneer zug in the Stabs Kp of the Panzer Abt. and this may have been equipped with Sdkfz 251/7 (There is one picture in the book of this vehicle with the HQ of the Pioneer Abteilung ).
On 27 June all the six infantry battalions were still considered strong back lacking officers and Ncos. The Aufkl.Abt. on the other hand was rated to be weak.
At the beginning of June 1944, the SS-Pz.Jg.Abt. 17 was only represented by the 3rd Company in its division. It had 3 Panzerjäger 38 (t) for 7.62 cm Pak 36 (Sd.Kfz. 139) and 9 Panzerjäger 38 (t) for 7.5 cm Pak 40/3 Ausf. H. The majority of the 1. and 2./SS-Pz.Jg.Abt. 17 was still being set up and trained on the Jagdpanzer IV (7.5 cm Pak 39 L/48) (Sd.Kfz. 162) and remained in the previous assembly area near Saumur when the division left. 31 Jagdpanzer IV were then delivered on 30.6.1944.
The SS-Pz.Jg. Abt. 17 with 12 Panzerkampfwagen 38, 2 cm Flak 38 (Sd.Kfz. 140) the SS-Pz.Jg.Abt. 17 marched towards Normandy on August 4th, 1944. On the orders of the AOK 7, however, it was deployed in the Laval - Le Mans area and was almost destroyed in a few days. Only 5 damaged Jagdpz. IV and 4 Flakpz. 38 arrived at Nogent let Rotrou 10 days later.
By August 15, 1944 , there were only about 5 Jagdpz. IV (all damaged), 5 StuG IV (all damaged), about 2 Marder III and 4 Flakpz. 38 left (but at least 2 more Flakpz. 38 must have arrived in the following days). A few days later, the 3 Pz.Bef.Wg. IV arrived. The 5 StuG IVs had been given to a Pz.Werkst.Kp. in the Greater Paris area for repairs. It is not entirely clear whether they ever returned to the division. In the second half of August, 17 new StuG IIIs were delivered to SS-Pz.Abt. 17. It is not entirely clear whether they actually arrived. If they did, most of them were lost again within a short time, because on September 15, 1944, only one StuG of an unspecified type was reported.
June 6 : Allied invasion, Normandy
June 7 : operation Mimosa, orders for mobilization to advance to Normandy. The 17th aufklärungsabteilung, and a Kampfgruppe made up of 3 battalions move to Normandy immediately via vehicles, the remainder of the infantry on bicycles, the artillery move that evening.
June 8: the reconnaissance battalion and the 38th battalion begin arriving at St Lo. Petrol supplies are low and many of the infantry battalions vehicles are destroyed on route by aircraft.
The Self propelled guns and assault guns are loaded onto trains to move to Laval but are attacked by allied aircraft losing two vehicles one StuG III and one SP gun, the trains unload at La Flèche short of Le Mans, then drive to Laval - Fougéres - Avranches - Villedieu - Torigny to the Balleroy area
SS-Flak Abteilung 17 and SS-Pioneer Bataillon 17 move to Saumur to defend the five bridges across the Loire between Angers and Tours.
June 9 : 17th SS Aufklärungsabteilung (reconnaissance) battalion in clashes with British 7th Armoured, and infantry on route to Bayeux and American armour and troops on route to Isgny-sur-mer, plus capture missed dropped parachutists.
June 10 : 17th GvB subordinated to the 7th Army
June 11 : 17th SS Aufklärungsabteilung, 17 SS-Panzergrenadierregiment 37 and elements of 6th Fallschirmjager Regiment Combat at Carentan against 101st Airborne and 2nd Armoured (Bloody Gulch)
June 11-12 Graignes combat between 182 men of the 506, 507 and 74th transport carrier squadron were assaulted by elements 17th SS 38 Regiment. The fighting is fierce however the numerically superior 17th SS overrun the village, they destroy and burn the village, executing 17 US Paratroopers and 11 civilians, the Us Paratroopers retreat into the wetlands around the village.
June 12 : US paratroopers capture Carentan, SS regiment 37 iii battalion counterattack against the American parachute units at Auvers.
June 13 : Carentan; unsuccessful counterattack by SS-Pz.g Regt 37 1 & 2nd battalion against the US 101st Airborne at bloody gulch.
June 16 : SS-Brigadeführer Ostendorff WIA ; SS-Oberführer Eduard Diesenhoffer becomes division CO.
June 18 : SS-Kampfgruppen 1 & 3 become SS-Panzergrenadier Regt.s 49 & 51 respectively
June 13 : Carentan; unsuccessful counterattack by SS-Pz.g Regt 37 1 & 2nd battalion against the US 101st Airborne at bloody gulch.
June 16 : SS-Brigadeführer Ostendorff WIA ; SS-Oberführer Eduard Diesenhoffer becomes division CO.
June 18 : SS-Kampfgruppen 1 & 3 become SS-Panzergrenadier Regt.s 49 & 51 respectively
June 26 -27 : GvB counter attack at Méautis, south of Carentan, halted by US 4th infantry and 2nd Armoured.
June 30 : Division strength of 16,976 men SS-Kampfgruppe 3 strength: circa 2,900
June 30 : Division strength of 16,976 men SS-Kampfgruppe 3 strength: circa 2,900
June 30 : 17 Pz. Jg. Abt receives 31 Jagdpanzer IV 7.5cm pak 39 L48 & 12 sdkfz 140 2cm flak 38 in Saumur, HQ Saumur Chateau.
July 1944 division strength at 8,500;
3rd July units in reserve behind “ Mahlmann line”
6th July fighting around Saint Framond
7th July withdraws to the Perriers area and west of St. Lo by the beginning of July 1944
9th -21st July 38th Régiment fighting at Sainteny against 83rd infantry division.
10th fighting around Pont-Hébert defending against 30th and 35th US infantry divisions.
15th -24 July heavy fighting Perrier area against US 90th infantry division
July 25 : US Army breaks through west of St. Lô. During Operation Cobra
July 26th : GvB counterattack near Marigny against US 1st Infantry division and 3rd Armoured Division.
July 27 : counter attack at Notre-Dame-de-Cenilly against Us 2nd Armoured and 4 infantry divisions breakthroughs.
July 28 : 7th Army AOK order withdrawal to Weisse Linie ” (“white line”) near Percy to prevent German units in the Cotentin peninsula being cut off.
GvB Heavy fighting for the high ground around Cerisy-la-Salle overlooking Countances road vs US 3rd Armoured Division
July 29 : US Army captures the bridges at Avaranches opening the route into Brittany. Elements of the Gotz von Berlichingen, along with units of the 91st Luftlande Division and 2nd Das Reich SS cut off and captured in the Roncey pocket.
July 30 : 17 Pz.Jg. Abt receives movement orders for Operation Luttich, elements join 2nd SS for the operation.
August 1944 :
Aug 4: 17 Pz.Jg. Abt departs Saumur for Normandy.
Aug 4: 51st Regt. sent to Troyer, France
Aug 4- 5th: 17 Pz. Jg. Abt arrives Laval after diversion by AOK 7 to defend Mayenne River crossing and airfield at Laval.
August 6: Laval heavy fighting defending the city, fighting retreat towards Le Mans after breakthroughs north and south of Laval,, sacrificing the majority of the jagdpanzer IV defending the road to Le Mans (7th army HQ was in Le Mans)
Aug 6 : Kampfgruppe Fick prepares for the "Mortain Offensive" (a.k.a. Operation "Luttich") - the assault on Avranches to cut off Pattons 3rd army. The GvB kampfgruppe assigned to the 2nd SS-Panzer Division
August 7 : Operation Luttich launched at 3am with GvB in the vanguard.
August 7 : Operation Luttich launched at 3am with GvB in the vanguard.
August 7: 17 Pz. Jg. Abt fighting retreat to Le Mans
August 8: Le Mans Captured, 7th AOK headqauters retreat north east to Chartres.
August 8: Le Mans Captured, 7th AOK headqauters retreat north east to Chartres.
August 9: remainder 17 Pz. Jg. Abt retreat towards Nogent Le Rotrou towards Chartres.
Aug. 10 : 49th Regiment reclasified as "26.SS-Panzer-Division" (originally named 25th SS Panzer Division by the SS-FHA before they realised that they had already given out the number to a SS division of Hungarian recruits) & 51st Regiment as "27.SS-Panzer-Division" (26th divsion?) - to confuse allied intelligence.
Aug. 10 : 49th Regiment reclasified as "26.SS-Panzer-Division" (originally named 25th SS Panzer Division by the SS-FHA before they realised that they had already given out the number to a SS division of Hungarian recruits) & 51st Regiment as "27.SS-Panzer-Division" (26th divsion?) - to confuse allied intelligence.
Aug 11 : GvB kampfgruppe remnants given the order to retreat from Mortain towards Domfront.
Aug 13 : 49th Regt. transferred to France; attacked by the Danish Resistence and Allied "Jabos" (fighter-bomber aircraft) the unit suffers heavy casualties and loses much of its equipment.
Aug 15 : Fighting Withdrawal commences.
Aug 13 : 49th Regt. transferred to France; attacked by the Danish Resistence and Allied "Jabos" (fighter-bomber aircraft) the unit suffers heavy casualties and loses much of its equipment.
Aug 15 : Fighting Withdrawal commences.
GvB split into 4 Kampsgruppe:
Kampgruppe Braune SS flak- Abteilung
Kampgruppe Gunter SS Aufklärungsabteilung and elements of ost battalions 439 and 635.
Kampgruppe Fick - SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 37 and SS-Pioneer Abteilung 17 under SS-Obersturmbannführer Jacob Fick.
Kampgruppe Braune SS flak- Abteilung
Kampgruppe Gunter SS Aufklärungsabteilung and elements of ost battalions 439 and 635.
Kampgruppe Fick - SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 37 and SS-Pioneer Abteilung 17 under SS-Obersturmbannführer Jacob Fick.
Kampgruppe Wahl SS-Panzergrenadier Régiment 38 under SS Hauptsturmfürhrer Kurt Wahl.
Aug 16 : Regt. 49 arrives Calais.
Aug 16 : Regt. 49 arrives Calais.
Aug 21: The division kampfgruppe then trapped in the Falaise Pocket. Only around 1,500 men in the division were able to escape to their own lines. First the men marched to Laigle, then to the Seine and to Meaux by August 25th.
Aug 28 : 1st Battery 17th SS Flak Battallion covers retreating German troops at Loire river bridge at Angers.
Aug 22 : Regt. 49 transferred to Meaux
Aug 23 : Regt. 51 attacked by US 4th Armored Division, Troyes
Aug 25 : Regt. 51 remnants flee Troyes; unit subordinated to GvB (some accounts say this occured Sept 7-8); 49th Regt. combat Romilly; then retreats to Verdun
Aug 29 : remnants of GvB Panzerjager withdraw to Chartres forest for refitting.
SS-Oberführer Werner Ostendorff (Janvier 1944 – 15 juin 1944)
SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Binge (16 juin 1944 – 18 juin 1944)
SS-Standartenführer Otto Baum (18 juin 1944 – 1er août 1944)
SS-Standartenführer Otto Binge (1er août 1944 – 29 août 1944)
Aug 28 : 1st Battery 17th SS Flak Battallion covers retreating German troops at Loire river bridge at Angers.
Aug 22 : Regt. 49 transferred to Meaux
Aug 23 : Regt. 51 attacked by US 4th Armored Division, Troyes
Aug 25 : Regt. 51 remnants flee Troyes; unit subordinated to GvB (some accounts say this occured Sept 7-8); 49th Regt. combat Romilly; then retreats to Verdun
Aug 29 : remnants of GvB Panzerjager withdraw to Chartres forest for refitting.
Organisation Rapid Fire
Commanding officerSS-Oberführer Werner Ostendorff (Janvier 1944 – 15 juin 1944)
SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Binge (16 juin 1944 – 18 juin 1944)
SS-Standartenführer Otto Baum (18 juin 1944 – 1er août 1944)
SS-Standartenführer Otto Binge (1er août 1944 – 29 août 1944)
Stabs Kompanie Co, 2IC + 8, PKW car, radio truck, M/C combo, Sanits Kompanie sdkfz 251/8, sdkfz 7/1 20mm flak
SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 37 : SS-Obersturmbannführer Fick
17. stab Komp co + 5 radio, medic, 1 car, radio car, panzerschrek 1 M/C combo
I. Bataillon : Häussler Ertl OC + 5 radio, sniper, medic, panzerschrek Tartra car, light car
I. Bataillon : Häussler Ertl OC + 5 radio, sniper, medic, panzerschrek Tartra car, light car
1 to 4 Kompanie 6 figs, MG, panzerfaust each, light French truck
II. Bataillon : Opificius OC + 5 radio, sniper, medic panzerschreck, light car
5 to 8 Kompanie 6 figs, MG, panzerfaust each, cycles light French truck (civilian)
II. Bataillon : Opificius OC + 5 radio, sniper, medic panzerschreck, light car
5 to 8 Kompanie 6 figs, MG, panzerfaust each, cycles light French truck (civilian)
III. Bataillon : Zorn OC + 5 radio, sniper, medic, panzerschreck, light car
9 to 12 Kompanie 6 figs, MG, panzerfaust each, cycles
13. Kompanie : 1x IG 75mm 4 crew light truck, 2x 81mm mortar, 6 crew Steyr, 2 x MMG 6 crew 2 x MMG 6 crew light truck
14. Kompanie (Flak) : 1x 20mm flak, light car 4 crew
15. Kompanie (Pionier) : 6 figs mg, flamethrower light car
16. Kompanie (Aufklärungs) : 8 figs cycles
SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 38 :Horstmann
16. Kompanie (Aufklärungs) : 8 figs cycles
SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 38 :Horstmann
17. Stab Komp co + 5 radio, medic, sniper, panzerschreck, 1 car, radio car, 1 M/C combo
I. Bataillon : Ertl OC + 5 radio, sniper, medic, panzerschreck, sdkfz 2 pkw
1 to 4 Kompanie 8 figs, MG, panzerfaust light French truck
II. Bataillon : Nieschlag OC + 5 radio, sniper, medic, panzerschreck
5 to 8 Kompanie 6 figs, MG each, panzerfaust light French truck civilian
III. Bataillon : Bolte Ertl OC + 5 radio, sniper, medic, panzerschreck
9 to 12 Kompanie 6 figs, MG each, panzerfaust cycles
13. Kompanie Sig 150mm 4 crew truck (MMG), 2x 81mm mortar, 6 crew, medium car 2 x MMG 6 crew light car
14. Kompanie(Flak) : 1x 20mm flak, light car 4 crew
15. Kompanie (Pionier) : 6 figs MG, flamethrower light truck
16. Kompanie (Auflärungs) : 8 figs 2x kubelwagens
II. Bataillon : Nieschlag OC + 5 radio, sniper, medic, panzerschreck
5 to 8 Kompanie 6 figs, MG each, panzerfaust light French truck civilian
III. Bataillon : Bolte Ertl OC + 5 radio, sniper, medic, panzerschreck
9 to 12 Kompanie 6 figs, MG each, panzerfaust cycles
13. Kompanie Sig 150mm 4 crew truck (MMG), 2x 81mm mortar, 6 crew, medium car 2 x MMG 6 crew light car
14. Kompanie(Flak) : 1x 20mm flak, light car 4 crew
15. Kompanie (Pionier) : 6 figs MG, flamethrower light truck
16. Kompanie (Auflärungs) : 8 figs 2x kubelwagens
SS-Artillerie Regiment 17 : Binge, OC + 5 radio truck, VW car 2 spotters, supply wagon, sdkfz 7/1 20mm flak
5 batterie 2 x SFH18m 4 crew horse limber per gun
6 batterie 2 x SFH18m 4 crew horse limber per gun
8 batterie 2 x 150mm 4 crew tractor per gun
SS-Panzerjäger Abteilung 17 : SS-Sturmbannführer Schuster 1 x PzJagd IV lang, 2 x flakpanzer 38
1. Kompanie : 2 x Pz Jagd IV lang
2. Kompanie : 2 x PzJagd IV lang
3. Kompanie : 1 Panzerjäger 38 (t) for 7.62 cm Pak 36, 1x Panzerjäger 38 (t) for 7.5 cm Pak 40/3 Ausf. H, 1 x pak 50 4 crew maultier.
SS-Panzer-Abteilung 17 : Kepplinger Befwg Panzer IIIM L50, 1 x sdkfz 7/1 20mm flak, sdkfz 250 radio and trailer, bergpanzer III, sdkfz 9 Famo,
1. Kompanie : 2 x StuG IV
2. Kompanie : 2 x StuG IV
3. Kompanie : 2 x StuG IV
4. Kompanie : 2 x StuG IV
StuGs had both nose types, predominantly in 3 colour camoflauge, with zimmeritt.
2. Kompanie : 2 x StuG IV
3. Kompanie : 2 x StuG IV
4. Kompanie : 2 x StuG IV
StuGs had both nose types, predominantly in 3 colour camoflauge, with zimmeritt.
SS-Flak-Abteilung 17 : SS-Sturmbannführer Braune
2. Batterie : 1x flak 88 tractor 6 crew, 1 x 20mm 4 crew tractor
4. Batterie : 1x flak 37 tractor 4 crew, 1 x 20mm 4 crew tractor
SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 17 Holzapfel
1 Kompanie 2 x Panzerspahwagen 2cm kwk 8 rad, 1 x 222 A/C
2 Kompanie 6 figs MG schwimmwagen
3 Kompanie 6 figs MG schwimmwagen
3 Kompanie 6 figs MG schwimmwagen
4. Kompanie 6 figs MG schwimmwagen
5. Kompanie 4 figs, truck pak 40
SS-Pionier-Bataillon 17 Fleischer OC + 3 light car, Sdkfz 251/7, panzerschreck
1. Kompanie 6 figs mg flamethrower, panzerfaust
2. Kompanie 6 figs mg, Flamethrower, panzerfaust
3. Kompanie 6 figs mg, flamethrower, panzerfaust
Research resources
Panzers Normandie 44 SS Panzer Abteilung 17, Götz von Berlichingen, S Cazenave & S Neuhaus
Gotz von Berlichingen Jean-Claude Perrigault & Rolf Meister
Normandy 1944 N. Zetterling