
Friday, November 25, 2016

Dutch Army Duif Leger wagon

Dutch Pigeon Communications wagon

Next on my Dutch army build is Dove trailer (Duif Leger wagon), the Dutch still had a strong reliance on pigeons for messages, especially the reserve divisions. In my research I came across a lot of different documents, I have cherry picked a few of them and added them below.
My WIP is well underway with the wagon built from a german wagon bottom and Russian workshop on top.

Locations of Pigeon carriers

Eenheid               Bericht- houder   Mand aanvals, Mand loopgraaf, Mand ransel, Mand rijwiel
Reg infanterie            10                    1                     1                                                     2
Grensbat Inf.              25                    4                     2                                                    1
Reg. Wielrijders         20                    6                                                                            2
Reg. Huzaren            20                    2                      1
Reg Huz Moterr         15                                                                          2                      1
KMA                           5                     1                       1                            1                      1
SROI                          5                     1                       1                                                    1
Kaderbat Laren         10                    4                       2                             1                     2
2R. G.. Tr.*                                                                                             1
* 1x Gaskast
Tabel 1: Materieel voor postduiven ingedeeld bij een aantal opleidingseenheden 

I am not sure how I will add this to the table, so it will join my Dutch Brigade headqauters  unit.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Dutch artillery tractor

Dutch Artillery Tractors

To start my Dutch artillery park I have part scratch built a model based on this picture.

The tractor I used is a "Oxford" 1/87 model with scratch built hubs, SHQ box and tarp, early war miniatures driver, the limber is a "Minarions" piece with the seat from the bits box, boxes etc from airfix.

this vehicle will tow my single heavy artillery piece. I have added a model railway plastic base.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

28mm Rhodesian Light Infantry and Alouette III G car

I really like these Eureka figures and they were a joy to paint, I have an original RLI camo jacket in my collection (belonged to my uncle Ken) so I had a very good idea about the  camouflage, I loved the patrol pose and the weapons are superb sculpts, I used a SLR  and mag 58 during my service so happy to see them so well done.

The Alouette III  G car helicopter proved to be a much tougher model with a lot of fiddling to get it correct, I strengthened the blade connection with wire and plastic card, I have also made a stand for the beast as it is too heavy for the wheels, I am very happy with the result also. A great kit but needs some work and patience. 

Vallejo colours German Camo beige, cavalry browm, olive green, Luftwaffe green.