
Saturday, May 7, 2016

28mm Rhodesian Light Infantry and Alouette III G car

I really like these Eureka figures and they were a joy to paint, I have an original RLI camo jacket in my collection (belonged to my uncle Ken) so I had a very good idea about the  camouflage, I loved the patrol pose and the weapons are superb sculpts, I used a SLR  and mag 58 during my service so happy to see them so well done.

The Alouette III  G car helicopter proved to be a much tougher model with a lot of fiddling to get it correct, I strengthened the blade connection with wire and plastic card, I have also made a stand for the beast as it is too heavy for the wheels, I am very happy with the result also. A great kit but needs some work and patience. 

Vallejo colours German Camo beige, cavalry browm, olive green, Luftwaffe green.