British Parachute Brigade additions
Another project this winter analogue painting challenge is to complete my Dday/Arnhem British parachute brigade kit. I want add all of the ancillary bits, supply, proper foldable airborne AT guns, motorbikes, tractor towed AT guns, tractor towed artillery, Ops command centre. Plus complete all my British gliders.
- Airborne supply dump, a small dio I have in mind.
- Replace my 6pdrs with foldable airborne AT guns (replace the airfix plastic 6pdrs )
- Airborne motorbikes, just need to paint them!
- Morris cut down gun tractors with towed 17 per AT guns and mounted crews
- Morris cut down truck deployed
- Jeeps more jeeps and crews!
- Ops command centre
- Three horsa gliders especially marked for Pegasus bridge with the landed versions as close as I can get them to the pictures.
- Another 3 Horsa for Dday/Arnhem
- Build and complete my Hamilcar
- Paint my Light Tank Mk VII (A17), also known as the Tetrarch
This will give me a total of 10 gliders I can put on my table.