Saturday, August 24, 2024

Able Archer - Algerian Army list 1962-1990

 Algerian Armed Forces 1962-1990

The Algerian Armée National Populaire (ANP) came to into existence in 1962 after the independence movement was a success against France. The Algerian nation supported a number of liberation movements in Africa during the 70s and 80s and was a major contributor to the OAU (Organisation of African Unity) and sent advisors and money to support the rebel movements all over Africa. The government also openly supported terrorist organisations such as the PLF, PIJ and PLO up until 1990s. The government also sent troops and equipment to support Arab countries during the 67 and 73 Arab Israeli wars. 

My Army lists only commence after the independence of Algeria. Tactical doctrine is based on the soviet model. 

Algerian involvement in local and international Wars, Sand War (63-64), October war (Yom Kippur) 1973, Western Sahara (75-76), 

Main Battle Tanks 

T34/85  (1963)
T54 (1964) 100mm D10T
T55 (1967) 100mm D10T KTD2 laser range finder (1982)
T62 (1977)  115 U5-TS + 12.7mm AA gun
T72M (1979) 125mm 

Armoured vehicles 
M8 Greyhound A/C
BTR 40 (1964)
BTR 50 (1964)
BTR 60PB (1970)
BTR 152 (1964)
BMP 1 (1970)
Panhard M3 APC 
SU 100 

Man handled AT system

157 x Zis2 57mm AT HEAT 3 crew
37 x D44N 85mm AT infa-red sight, HEAT, 4 crew
3 x T12 100mm AT gun HEAT 4 crew 
AT 3 Sagger missile 
AT4 spigot 
AT5 Spandrel 

Recoilless gun 
120x B10 82mm 
58x B11 107mm

Artillery systems 

Towed 122mm howitzer D74
Towed 122mm howitzer M37
Towed 122 howitzer D30A APHE, APBC, HEAT, APFSDS (1990) illumination, smoke 4 crew 
Towed 130mm howitzer M46 APHE, APBC, HEAT illumination, smoke 6 crew 
Towed 152 howitzer ML 20S APHE, APBC, HEAT illumination, smoke 6 crew 

Self propelled 2s1 (Gvozvika) 122mm howitzer APHE, APBC, HEAT
Self propelled 2s3 152mm howitzer APHE, APBC, HEAT

Mortar 82mm BM37 (max range 30 inches)
Mortar 120mm M43
Mortar 160mm M43

Rocket propelled artillery 
BM 21- 122mm Ural-357 mounted 40 tubes  HE, smoke, illuminate, phosphorus chemical smoke, crew 3 (1980)
BM14/16 Zis 151 mounted 8 tubes - 140mm rocket HE, smoke, phosphorus chemical smoke, crew 6 (1962)
30x BM24 - 240mm Zis-151 12 tubes  HE, smoke, phosphorus chemical smoke, crew 6 (1962)

Missile artillery systems 
SA2 guideline 
SA3 Goa 
SA6 Gainful
SA13 Gopher 

Anti air systems 

60x ZPU-2 twin barrel 14.5
40x ZPU-4 4 barrel 14.5mm 

ZU -23-4 23mm twin crew 4
ZSU-23-4 23mm twin Shilka crew 4 
85mm AA gun (KS 12) 
100mm AA gun (KS 19)
140mm AA gun  (KS 30)

Missile Anti Air 

Sa7 man portable 
SA8 Gecko
SA9 Gaskin 


MiG 15
MIG 21
MIG 23
SU 25 

28 x Mi 2 helicopter 
Mi 24 helicopter 
Mi171 (Mi-8AMT) troop carrier 
Alouette II
Alouette III


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