Sunday, November 28, 2021

Israeli Armoured Recon Part 1

 Israeli Armoured recon unit

Next addition to my Israeli army for my Arab-Israeli war collection is a recon platoon of 10 figs, I also plan to add three jeeps, one with a 106mm RCL. I am still looking for a suitable unit to base them on for the six day war. 

The figures are from the platoon 20 range, which I am happy to report that the range has been purchased and will be back in production soon I hear at East Front Miniatures. The radio operator is from the later range, but I wanted one so I purchased him.

Israeli Recon company 


Friday, October 15, 2021

Soviet Cold War Motorised Infantry part two

 Soviet Motostrelki 

Finally after finishing some more house renovations I have managed to sit down and complete some miniatures. last week I completed another soviet motorised battalion for my cold war collection. The figures 20mm from the Elhiem Miniatures range, I plan to paint another three battalions to complete my Armoured Division collection.  

My cold war collection is growing rapidly and may soon surpass my ww2 collection for "completed kits" and figures. In 2022 I am planning a big Able Archer game, multi divisional gaming weekend in Autumn for four to six players hopefully in the newly renovated apartments with a 26-30m x 6 table, over a full weekend of modern wargaming. I will release the details in November for the event and our 2022 calendar. 

Soviet Motostrelki Command


Soviet Motostrelki Elhiem miniatures

Soviet Motostrelki

Soviet Motostrelki

Soviet Motostrelki

Soviet Motostrelki

I need to add Anti Air, 81mm and 120mm Mortar and HMG coys 


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Kampfgruppe 1001 Nachtes - Looking East

Looking East

Reading books can be a dangerous thing, but is good for stirring the blood for new projects (not that I need any). While reading James Lucas Battlegroup book this week, I came across this unusual unit, Kampfgruppe 1001 Nachtes. Recently Steven Shann, released some Rapid Fire scenarios based around the fighting for the Seelow Heights, so with that influence I have dug deeper to build this unusual Kampfgruppe for my Rapid Fire late war Fall of the Reich units. 

So I have decided to build this unit as part of my last levy German forces for the fighting around Kustrin -Wriezen, the Seelow Heights and the defence of Berlin. I will build as normal for Rapid fire which can also be used for skirmish games also. As luck would have it, I have quite a few Hetzers in my collection not assigned to units, some painted but most not, plenty of spare fallschirmjagers and german infantry, odd AA gun, motor bikes and a few SdKfz 251 and 231s! So over the next month or so I will pull something together to fight Marks and my Russian  hordes and defend the Reich. A big plus also, an opportunity to force me to complete some more German countryside buildings for ww2 and modern cold war games!

Kampfgruppe 1001 Nachtes 

The Kampfgruppe was formed into three combat formations


Major Gustav-Adolf Blancbois


560th SS tank destroyer Battalion

Commanded by Sturmbannfuhrer Wost, then later Haupsturmfuhrer Markowz

Hq company T34 with drilling mount, bergepanzer iii recovery

  • 1st Jagdpanzer-Kompanien 14 Jagpanzer Hetzer (three tone factory camouflage) 
  • 2nd Jagdpanzer-Kompanien 14 Jagpanzer Hetzer (three tone factory camouflage) 
  • 3rd Jagdpanzer-Kompanien 14 Jagpanzer Hetzer (three tone factory camouflage) 2
  • 3 Sturmgeschutze III,  (from 27th Friewillgen-grenadier-regiment Langemarcke) 
  • 600 SS fallschirmjager Kompanie (140 men) in Wehrmacht smocks. 
  • Kommamder Fritz Leiheit  (joined 1st April) 
  • 1st jager coy
  • Support coy 75mm LG recoilless. (No FG -42) 


Panzer-Aufklarungs-Abteilung Speer
  • Motorcycle and kettengrad company (RAD uniform)(escort coy of Albrecht Speer)
  • 2 x Sd.Kfz 231/17 75mm gun, 1 x 251 drilling mount armoured company
  • Anti Tank platoon Pak40


Marschregiment 2 (27th March-1st April) possibly in Panzer Wraps
  • 1 Schutzen-Kompanie 
  • 2 Schutzen-Kompanie 
  • 3 Schutzen-Kompanie 


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Vozdushno-Desantnye voyska Rossii -VDV airborne troops

 VDV Airborne troops

VDV airborne badge

While I have had the camo painting bug for Soviet cold war troops I decided to also paint up two battalions of plastic Esci VDV airborne troops that I had in my collection donated to me by my mate Spiros. 

The VDV originally were just part of the ground troops, uniforms and equipment corresponded accordingly to motorised troops in general up until 1983. After that date specific equipment was issued,  and the VDV moved from Maroon Berets of the special forces (spetsnaz retained the maroon) to the more familiar mid blue in 1982, along with one piece jump overalls. 

Structurally the brigade consisted of a combat and transport combat helicopter regiments (a total of 80 MI-8T, 20 Mi6a and 20 Mi24A). Three airborne and one air assault battalions, plus support elements. 

Below is the 1983 order of battle of the 35th Guards Landing Assault Brigade, which was posted to Cottbus East Germany in December 1979. 

35th Guards Separate landing Assault Brigade (callsign Veskiy)

Commander Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Shvets
  • 1st Airborne Battalion (Parachute about 530 men in each battalion)
    • Command section, Recon platoon, AA missile group (9 Strela-3 / Igla MANPADS), First aid and communications 
    • Three assault companies (4 x 82-mm M mortar, 3 Metis 9K115 ATGMs, 3 AGS-17 30mm grenade launcher, 6 PK LMG, 9 RPG-16, 9 RPKS-74 LMG, AKS-74, SVD sniper rifle)
    • anti tank battery (6 ATGM 9K111 Fagot / Factoria, 6 SPG-9MD recoilless Heat/HE)
    • mortar coy PM38 2B11 120mm mortar 
  • 2nd Airborne Battalion (Parachute)
    • as above
  • 3rd Airborne Battalion (Heliborne)
    • as above
  • 4th Separate landing Assault Battalion (about 490 people Heliborne)
    • Three airborne assault companies (five platoons: three assault troops, machine gun, mortar; 117 hrs, 10 BMD-1P / PK, 4 BTR-D armored personnel carriers, 4x82-mm M, 8 PKM, 13 RPG-16, 9 RPKS-74, AKS-74)
    • From 1983 - self-propelled artillery battery (8 x 120-mm SAO 2S9 Nona)
    • platoons: grenade launcher (3 BTR-D armored personnel carriers, 6 AGS-17), anti-aircraft missile (9 MANPADS, 3 armored personnel carriers BTR-ZD), communications, support, first-aid post.
  •  Artillery battalion (Heliborne or airdrop)
    •  6 x 122mm Howitzer GD30 3 batteries
    • Mortar battery 120-mm M PM-38 
    • platoons: anti-aircraft missile (9 MANPADS 3 BTR ZD), control, support.
    • Rocket Artillery Battery 8 x 122 mm MLRS BM-21V Grad-V
  • Anti-aircraft Battery (heliborne or airdrop)
    • from 1982 - anti-aircraft battalion (8 SZRK Strela-10M, 8 ZSU-23-4 Shilka, MANPADS 3 APC BTR-ZD)
  • Anti-tank missile Battery (heliborne)
    • 12 ATGM Fagot / Factory, 6 ATGM 
  • Reconnaissance Company (heliborne or airdrop)
    • three reconnaissance platoons on UAZ-469
  • Engineering Sapper Company (parachute, heliborne)
  • Medical Company (parachute and heliborne)
  • Communications coy (parachute and heliborne)
  • airborne company (support and despatch)
  • automobile company (heliborne or airdrop)
  • repair company (heliborne or airdrop)
  • logistics company (heliborne or airdrop)
  • RHR platoon (3 UAZ-469) 1984 - RHBZ company (RBCW company) (heliborne or airdrop)
  • platoon of the chief of artillery (survey and communications centre) (heliborne or airdrop)
  • commandant platoon (parachute, heliborne or airdrop)
  • orchestra. (not operationally deployed)

I will decide upon what I build to make up my battalions, as I have a few of the vehicles already, but may need a few bits to complete to Brigade! I hope to have the figures painted in the next week or two.



Saturday, August 28, 2021

Henschel Hs 129 Build part 1

Airfix Henschel HS129

In September we have a Nostalgia build for kits or figures designed pre 2000 and no longer in production. I have elected to build a Airfix Henschel HS129 kit. I actually already have two kits built for this aircraft, one 20mm cannon and one 75mm canon. This model will become a photo reconnaissance aircraft that was shot down east of Laval in August 1944.

Looking forward to the build if you want to join us here on The Wargamers Forum


Sunday, August 8, 2021

T-26 Tanks....... Вперед

 T26 tanks forward!

The last of the recent purchases of from Clive models, five diecast T26, these are absolutely lovely pieces and I suspect a little more robust for wargaming then the current plastic kits I have. Another pre purchase for nexts years project (I tell myself that!) 

I will only give these guys a wash and grime job, plus basing and they will join my Russian horde. 

Russian T26 tanks


Saturday, August 7, 2021

T34 атаковать!

 T34 Assault !

I picked up some diecast T34s from Clives diecasts for my early Russian army, which I plan to paint next year. Further additions to the stash....... a repaint I suspect is on the cards too.


Friday, August 6, 2021

JU86 d1 build Part 1

Junkers JU86 D1 build

Well a cold wet day kept me from doing external chores so I elected to pull out some kits from the stock and decided upon the Italeri Junkers JU86D1 and four others to assemble over the coming week of predicted wet weather.

 Originally I purchased this for SCW aerial dogfights, but as it is a little large I have decided to add it to my Luftwaffe for the invasion of Poland where I believe the JU86D1 flew its only combat missions of ww2 with Kampfgeschwader 1 /III, (I do quite like the 5th Staffel KG254 1937 colours below).

I will paint in the early war pattern I think, and as a wargaming flying model, as very little information exists for the JU86D1 in service. 

JU 86 colour ideas

JU86 colour ideas

cockpit Interior 
looking at the forward bombardier/gunners position

The  dorsal gunners position; and within a retractable ventral position

Interior commenced RLM 02 brush painted


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Leo 1 Bundeswehr

 Leo 1 Diecasts

So Clive (at Clives Diecast and kits) had some Leo 1s on sale recently and I could not resist picking up some to add to my Bundeswehr, so now a new complete battalion,  a second battalion for my cold war Bundeswehr army. I hope to get some games in this year and try to stem the Soviet and Warpac hordes...A repaint in the workshop over the summer months, some stowage and some crew added is on the cards!


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

50th Infantry Division Tyne Tees Project Part 2

 50th Infantry Division Tyne Tees 

This years big ww2 project is the 50th Infantry Division for D-Day to Holland. I have chosen my favourite 20mm figs for my Brits from my stash of Britannia miniatures. Painting has commenced and is more than halfway complete of the infantry figures after three days.

I will break this into the 69th division first, plus support elements, then perhaps another infantry Division later on. Rapid Fire rules so Battalions are around 40 figures.

69th Infantry Brigade Brigadier F.Y.C Knox

  • 6th Battalion, Green Howards lt Col R.H.W.S Hastings
    • red flash behind cap badge
  • 7th Battalion, Green Howards lt Col P.H Richardson
  • 5th Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment lt Colonel G.W White

1st Assault Brigade Royal Engineers (D-Day)
6th Assault Regiment, Royal Engineers

81 SQN 

Churchill AVRE fascine Built not painted
Churchill Avre Bobbin Built not painted
Churchill bridgelayer Built not painted

Royal Armoured Corps (D-Day)

Westminster Dragoons
dingo built
M14 AA (not Purchased)
2 x trucks complete
M32 Sherman Armoured Recovery Vehicle (not built)

A sqn 2 x sherman crab flail tanks (not built)
C sqn 2 x sherman crab flail tanks  (not built)

141st Royal Tank Regiment (all of the regiments churchills names began with S)
I will model 
C Squadron commanded by lt Shearman 13 troop small turret number 13
Three crocodiles from 13 Troop landed at La Riviere where one floundered in a deep underwater crater and the other two crocodiles were able to get ashore.

1 x churchill crocodiles ("Sandgate" T173174H commanded by lt John Shearman MC) Built not painted
1 x Churchill crocodile ("Sandling "T173174  commanded by Sgt Reg Webb) (not purchased)

The two crocodiles supported the 7th Green Howards (69th Brigade, 50th Infantry Division) assault on the La Marefontaine gun battery (WN32) which contained four Czech 100mm guns located in fields outside the hamlet of La Marefontaine south of Ver-Sur-Mer.

Royal Marines (D-Day)

1st Royal Marine Armoured Support Regiment

A troop
1 x centaur (completed) 

No. 47 (Royal Marine) Commando

HQ coy (partial complete)
4 companies (partial complete)

Royal Artillery

74th (Northumbrian) Field Regiment

296th (4th) Durham M7 105 preists 

298th (1st) Durham (towed 25 pounders)

90th (City of London) Field Regiment 

357th (1st city of London) sexton 25 pounders Sherman V observation tanks 

358th (2nd city of London) sexton 25 pounders, Sherman V observation tanks 

102nd (Northumberland Hussars) Anti-Tank Regiment

99th battery
2 6pdrs Guns and bren carrier
1 M10

288th battery
2 x 6pdrs and bren carriers
1 M10

The 102nd had their own tac plate of blue and light blue 

198th battery (attached from 73rd AT regiment)
2 x M10

234th battery (attached from 73rd AT regiment)
2 x M10

25th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment

Polston AA 20mm gun and tow

1 x crusader AA

82nd LAA battery

Bofors AA battery

2024 project will be the DLI

151st Infantry Brigade Brigadier R.H Senior

6th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry lt Col A. E Green
8th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry lt Col R. P Lidwell

9th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry lt Col H.R Woods 
(The 9th DLI left 30 November 1944, joined 131st Brigade, 7th Armoured Division)

231st Infantry Brigade Brigadier A.B.G Stainer

1st Battalion Hampshire Regiment lt Col H.D.N Smith
1st Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment lt Col E.M Norrie
2nd Battalion Devonshire Regiment lt Col C.A.R Neville

56th Brigade Brigadier E.C Pepper

2nd Battalion The Essex regiment lt Col J.F Higson
2nd Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment lt Col D.W Biddle
2nd battalion South Wales Borderers  lt Col R.W Craddock

Corps Elements 

61st Reconnaissance Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps

plus assorted trucks, medical and bits



BAOR Chieftans

 BAOR Chieftain

Another purchase from my mate Clive, some more diecast chieftains  for my project, not high on the list but something I want to complete before next years effort to play a few more cold war wargames with my local south african mate Wilhelm.






Soviet Motorised troops Part 1 WIP


 Soviet Motorised Troops 

I have started to refocus to complete a number of my projects for 2021 and my Soviet motorised troops are next on the list for completion. I am using Elhiem miniatures Russians to fill out my recon and motorised battalions in camouflage suits. I will probably pick up a second regiment in the coming months to bring them up to a brigade combat group.

 I am following my previous recipe for the for camouflage. Vallejo Green with dark sand splotches, washed then highlighted in same with a hint of bleached bone. 


Saturday, July 24, 2021

KV2 build part 1

 KV2 build progress

I know I should not be building eastern front stuff at the moment but Piers has inspired me with his Stalingrad photos on the Wargamer Forum  , so I completed the KV2 build during the week in between the renovations. 

I plan to get some paint on it this week I hope.  


Sunday, July 18, 2021

Lazy Sunday........completing Kits

 Completing Kits......on a lazy Sunday

The last two weeks have been busy due to renovations, customers and Vanessas birthday party!

So being Sunday today, I actually had the whole day to fluff around so I slept in this morning done some reading and this afternoon sat down and completed some kits left over from the 30 day kit challenge, and some recent purchases. 

The most exciting recent purchase was the a bunch of Airfix kits. A old Airfix Bristol Bloodhound, a kit that brings back fond memories from my childhood, I also picked up a part built Scimitar and Scorpion, plus a JB models Saladin and a Male WW1 Mk1 tank. All were completed in about four hours, so happy days. 

The bloodhound will go on a base I think as a good site for a Spetsnaz raid, the Scorpion and Smitar both the tracks have disintegrated so I need to cast some or buy some from somewhere... The Saladin will jon my Kuwati army for the first Gulf War and the MK1 may be off to defend Berlin or become a mini WW1 Diorama, not decided yet!

Airfix Bristol Bloodhound

Airfix Land Rover

JB Models Saladin

Airfix Scorpion and Scimitar

Airfix Mk 1 Male ww1 tank

Now I am onto the original intention today, complete a PST KV2 and an ACE BTR50PK......damn individual tracks are the man pain. The KV2 may become a Beute Panzer and the BTR50pk will join my Warpac.


Saturday, July 3, 2021

Modern 20mm Technicals and civilian vehicles

Technicals and civilian vehicles

On facebook last month someone posted a T55 turret mounted on a dump truck, so off to our local charity shop this weekend see if I could pick up a suitable piece, while I was there I also picked up some other pieces, some for my BGS build and some other pieces, I like lots of cars for terrain fillers for modern warfare, it makes the terrain look lived in.

While I failed in my task to find a suitable dump truck I did manage to pick up a number of civilian 80s cars, a big bonus plus some suitable ww2 cars! As with most matchbox, majorette vehicles of the 80s lots of sports cars and not many everyday cars suitable for the wargames table. All of these will be receiving a new paint job at some stage and join my box of terrain filler bits!

Porsche 924 My dream car in 1985 before I knew about V8s....

BMW 733, my uncle had one of these in about 87

Mercedes 350SL two sexy

Citroen SM I was excited to find this!

James Bond my feature in his swimming lotus esprit!

A caravan, the second one, I think it will join a lakeside camp perhaps

Mercedes Benz 2400, It will join my Bundesgrenzschutz


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Israeli IDF Artillery and A/T guns 1973 Yom Kippur War

 IDF Artillery and A/T guns

IDF infantry brigades organically had a 120mm mortar and a anti-tank gun battalion, each of four batteries with three tubes. Howitzer battalions were 12 guns, were allocated by the general staff.

In 1973 they had available 
        • 200 British 25 pounders
        • 64 M50 French towed howitzers
        • 24 105 Self propelled howitzers on AMX-13 chassis
        • 36 M7 105mm howitzers
        • M50 self propelled sherman chassis
        • 300 120mm towed mortars or Self propelled
        • 60 160mm towed heavy mortar
        • 300 6 pounder AT guns
        • 17 pounder AT guns

The IDF’s 6-pounder anti-tank guns were in the process of being converted to 90mm smooth bore barrels firing fin-stabilized HEAT rounds. These guns were also being mounted on modified half-tracks. Jeep mounted 106mm recoilless rifles, manufactured in Israel, which were organic to infantry battalions, had also supplemented the available inventory of anti-tank guns

In 1973, the IDF is known to have fielded three battalions of M-107A1 self-propelled 175mm guns and one battalion of self-propelled 203mm M-110A1 howitzers (converted from 175mm during the war). This was the first time the IDF fielded heavy artillery. There were 14 battalions of self-propelled medium 155mm howitzers (9 M-50, 3 L-33 and 2 M-109) and seven battalions of self-propelled M-68 160mm mortars. There were also three battalions of M-7 105mm self-propelled howitzers and12 battalions of self-propelled 120mm mortars. In addition to this selfpropelled artillery, there were three battalions of towed M-50 155mm howitzers, two battalions of captured towed M-46 130mm guns (which had been mounted on new Soltam chassis), perhaps four battalions of captured towed D-30 and M-38 122mm howitzers, and up to 12 battalions of towed 120mm mortars. One reduced battery of lightweight M-102 105mm towed howitzers was available for use by helicopter inserted special forces. There was one multiple rocket launcher battalion equipped with captured 12 tube 240mm launchers mounted on 6x6 trucks, and one newly formed, partial strength MRL battalion equipped with four rail 290mm launchers mounted on de-turreted M-50 Sherman hulls.33 

In 1973, available Israeli artillery support for its brigades and divisions proved wholly inadequate. There simply were too few tubes, and the daily consumption of rounds per tube was far higher than the IDF had anticipated. Consequently, its ammunition war reserves, based on a planned inventory of 800 rounds per medium caliber tube, proved far too low. During the war, the IDF employed all of the available 175mm and most available 155mm and 130mm rounds. One quickly learned lesson was the need to increase both the number of available tubes for each division, while also significantly increasing the number of war reserve rounds available for each tube.34

In 1973, the artillery brigades of each of the six tank divisions generally deployed two or three battalions of 155mm self-propelled howitzers, a battalion of self-propelled 160 mm mortars and two battalions of selfpropelled 120mm mortars. By 1977, there were nine divisional artillery brigades, most with four battalions of 33 or 39 caliber self-propelled 155mm howitzers and one battalion of self-propelled 160mm mortars. This significantly increased the weight of shells that could be fired in a salvo, as well as the range of its 155mm howitzers. Moreover, many maneuver brigades now likely, again, had an organic battalion of 120mm self-propelled mortars for direct support and every tank battalion was, again, supported by organic self-propelled 81mm mortars.36

Sticking my neck out on colours, next up a painting guide!



Sunday, June 6, 2021

British Heavy Artillery Normandy 1944

 British Heavy Artillery units Normandy 1944

This month I have been completing some British artillery crews and decided to do some heavy pieces, so a little research had to be commenced, so I thought I would share my documents.

59th RA 7.2 inch howitzer in action 2nd September 1944.

The British artillery units who landed after DDay made up 18% of the total 21st army British and Canadian troops on the ground, more than the actual fighting infantry percentage. the heavy regiments were general reserve assigned to army corps.

The heavy artillery regiments in Normandy were:-

1st Royal Artillery Heavy Regiment 


3rd Battery 4 x 7.2 inch Howitzer Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
5th Battery 4 x 155mm Howitzers Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
16 Battery  4 x 155mm Howitzers Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
28 Battery  4 x 7.2 inch Howitzers Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s

Assigned to the 2nd Canadian group in July in support of operations including Tractable and Totalize 
tactical plate 1 white, on corps artillery tactical plate. In March 1945 the 16th battery used Russian 12.2 cm guns. 

51st Royal Artillery Regiment, Lowland (city of Edinburgh)

1st Battery   4 x 7.2 inch Howitzers Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
2nd Battery 4 x 7.2 inch Howitzers Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
4th Battery  4 x 7.2 inch Howitzers Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
6th Battery  4 x 6 inch Howitzer rubber tyres Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s

4th Army Group Royal Artillery in June 1944, supported 1st corps assault on Caen in operation Charnwood, then assigned to support the 1st corps in operation Estonia and the assault on Le Havre. Most commonly used in the counter battery role.
tactical plate 187 white, on corps artillery tactical plate

52nd Royal Artillery Regiment Bedfordshire Yeomanry 

417th Battery (Bedford) 4 x 7.2 howitzer. mk4 Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
418th Battery (Bedford) 4 x 7.2 howitzer. mk4 Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
419th Battery (Bedford) 4 x 155mm M1 long tom Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
420th Battery (Bedford) 4 x 155mm M1 long tom Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s

5th Army Group Royal Artillery
tactical plate 187, on corps artillery tactical plate

53rd Royal artillery Regiment 

8th Battery   4 x 7.2 howitzer. mk4 Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
9th Battery   4 x 7.2 inch howitzer. mk4 Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
24th Battery 4 x 155mm M1 long tom Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
25th Battery 4 x 155mm M1 long tom Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s

8th Army Group Royal Artillery
tactical plate 194 white on corps artillery tactical plate

59th regiment Newfoundland 

20th Battery 4 x 7.2 inch howitzer. mk4 Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
21st Battery 4 x 7.2 inch howitzer. mk4 Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
22nd Battery 4 x155mm M1 long tom Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s
23rd Battery 4 x 155mm M1 long tom Scammel Pioneer trucks or Albion CX22s

3rd Army Group Royal Artillery
Tactical plate 179 white, on corps artillery tactical plate 

Available models in 20mm- 1/72- 1/76th

I am happy to use what I can get but do prefer 1/72 and 20mm to 1/76th scale, budget is always a consideration too.

7.2 inch howitzer

Milicast 7.2 howitzer resin mixed media kit
SHQ 7.2 Howitzer  metal model
Thunder model plastic model (coming this year)

155mm M1 long tom

A number of plastic, metal, diecast and resin available
Hasegawa 1/72 155mm long tom howitzer any model shop
Atalya diecast towed model only hard to get
Alby models 155mm resin 1/72 (closest to actual measurments)
Marusan 155mm a rare plastic kit from Japan
AHM 155mm a rare plastic kit model 

6 inch Howitzer

SHQ miniatures 6 inch Howitzer
Milicast QF6 rubber tyres 

Scammel Pioneer

a few models available
SHQ scammel artillery tractor metal model
IBG models plastic Scammel Pioneer plastic
Thunder Models Scammel Pioneer (not seen this kit yet)

Albion CX22s

One model that I am aware of 
Fankit models Albion CX22s resin mixed media kit

Albion CX25 

only one model I am aware of

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Arab-Israeli War project

Arab-Israeli War project

As the 50th Anniversary is coming up in a bit over a year and a half,  I thought I had get my finger out and complete my Arab-Israeli war project over the next twelve months. I currently use Able Archer for my rules and have played a few games back in Australia with my collection, but Fred and I mostly played with armour rather than much infantry and air cover. Now I have decided to complete my Israelis over the next two months or so. I then basically need to build all of my Egyptians and Syrians, I predominantly have all of the figures purchased and all of the vehicles, plus most of the aircraft,  I just need to crack on and paint it all.

The Plan

I want to build decent sized battlegroups for both the north Golan heights and the south that can be used for the 67 war and the Yom Kippur war in 73. The Egyptian and Syrian infantry and armour could also be used for other middle eastern nations as subs. I will probably use Able Archer modern rules based loosely of Rapid fire.

Israeli Army

M60 A1 btn of 6 tanks

M48 a3 Btn 6 tanks 

AMX 13 recon coy 2 tanks 

M50 and M51 Sherman two coys of 4 tanks

M5 battalion 

M113 half battalion

AT coy jeeps armed 105mm recoilless

1 motorised battalion inf

1 armoured battalion inf

1 parachute battalion 

188th brigade Golan Heights

M48A3 battalion 4 tanks

Centurion Sho't Kal 105mm x 4

2 paratroop battalions

1 SF coy

artillery battery armoured 

jeeps and trucks

Air support

1 A4 Skyhawk

1 F4 phantom

1 Iai Kfir

2 huey choppers 

Egyptian Army

T-55 battalion 7 tanks

T-62 battalion 7 tanks

armoured recon battalion PT76

2 battalions armoured infantry BTR 152

1 battalion motorised inf trucks

1 commando battalion

Air Support 

MIG 21

MIG 17

Syrian Army

7th Inf division elements

T55 tank batn 9 tanks 

2 inf battalions in BTR 152

artillery battery

Republican Guard independent 70th Armored Brigade

T62 battalion 9 tanks

BMP 1 armoured Inf Regiment

Artillery battery

Anti Tank battery

Air Support

Mig 15

SU 22

so quite a build. I hope to get the Israelis completed this year I hope



Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Israeli special forces - IDF skin divers

IDF Skin Divers

Next few off my desk for my continued Arab-Israeli war build are some Israeli special forces, some 20mm skin divers from platoon 20 range, I will use these for other games also wherever a port facility or bridge needs to be taken out! 

I tried to paint camouflage on the faces in the typical 1980s vertical lines which was common in movies and magazines, the skin suits in black bit with some light grey joint lines which was common in 1970s skin diving suits. Overall pretty happy with the result 


ZSU 23-2 AA gun


 ZSU 23-2 AA gun

A 3d printed piece from NB Models I purchased two months ago, a lovely piece. It will see service with my rebel imagination army, Soviets and Egyptians for some light AA cover.  

A simple speed paint and highlight, yet to purchase some 1/76 crew for it though. 


Sunday, May 30, 2021

Israeli painting guide -1967-73 IDF infantry part 2

 IDF infantry part 2

The new IDF battalion was completed this week so I will add my colours. My paratroopers and some support weapons, vehicles etc will completed in the next month or two, but I am no rush to get the on the table until next years anniversary.

IDF battalion

My regimental colonel in a typical 80s pilots leather coat, with two female drivers! I need to add the 2 man radio section, jeeps and command half track at a later date

Two Browning M1919 MMG 

A basic squad, a mag 58, bazooka and mortar

Battalion HQ, missing  a radio man

my paint colours are 

Helmet with cover Vallejo khaki 988
Uniform Vallejo grey green 886
Webbing Vallejo Khaki 988
Boots and rubber Vallejo german grey
weapon stocks Vallejo mahogany brown
Barrels black Vallejo Black 
Rank stripes Vallejo shadow grey
ammunition Vallejo brass

hope that is helpful
